Gallery 1702 Résultats Reset All Close Réserve naturelle nationale de la zone humide de Zhangye Heihe (Site n° 2246) Réserve naturelle nationale du lac Anhui Shengjin (Site Ramsar no 2248) The water that flows through Hanbando Wetland Ramsar Site is collected at a nearby water harvesting plant that supplies the majority of drinking water for locals. The wetland has also long supported local agricultural industry. Ramsar Convention The Site mostly lies on limestone through which groundwater aquifers are formed and recharged. Ramsar Convention Flamingos enjoying the solitude of the highlands in Laguna del Negro Francisco Ramsar Site, Parque Nacional Nevado de Tres Cruces, Chile. Vicente Weippert David Rennie Ministry of Environment of Brazil Ramsar Convention Birds eye view David Rennie Vershitskaya I.N. Tobias Salathé Crested terns Brian Furby Collection, Department of the Environment Australia National Wetlands Center Belarus The East Calcutta Ramsar Site provides about 150 tons of fresh vegetables daily, as well as some 10,500 tons of fish per year, the latter providing livelihoods for about 50,000 people directly Dhrubajyoti Ghosh End of Days David Rennie Fire in the sky David Rennie Green turtle Arthur Mostead, Department of the Environment Australia The Hanbando Wetland Ramsar Site is representative of natural riverine. The Site, lying in a sand-gravel bar formed in an incised meander, consists of various types of riffles and pools that maintain a rich biodiversity and provide habitats for numerous species including a number of endemic and nationally threatened species. Francesca Negrini Francesca Negrini Francesca Negrini Flamingos at the Ras Al Khor Wildlife Sanctuary Francesca Negrini Lew Young Plan for Dubai Creek Harbour with Ras Al Khor Ramsar Site in the distance. Ramsar Convention 27