Gallery 1702 Résultats Reset All Close Photo taken: at Municipality of Anini-y, Antique, Philippines Gadget used: Sony Xperia Z1 Compact John Myrvin Redondo Lapinha da Serra em Santana do Riacho/MG, além da mística das pessoas que visitam o local e da presença de forte cultura dos nativos, a presença da vegetação do cerrado, contendo espécies endêmicas de aves, plantas, etc. A formação rochosa faz parte do complexo montanhoso da serra do espinhaço que corta 3 estados brasileiros, origem do período pré cambriano. Jean Gomes De Souza Winter wonderland Kairo Kiitsak Hyogo Park of the Oriental Stork Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Use for washing area Judilyn Louise Montabon The Alleppey backwaters in Kerala, India. As colorful and tasty as the whole country. Noelia Silva Clarkson The Takahe are found in the swamp/ marshlands of the South Island. They rely on the wetlands for food for themselves, and rely on the aquatic insects to feed their chicks. Tara Swan Alligator Pond in Manchester,Jamaica Norris Redhi Cabo Polonio Charlie Waite Fishing Cochior Vincentiu Tokyo Tidal Flats Yatsuhigata Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Small waterfall at my countryside. Nele Mai Viin Wetland with amazing reflection 2015 Jayde Pickworth I'm from a small but very lovely province called Marinduque which is also known as the heart of the Philippines. Jhonna Liza Medenilla Lew Young Senior Regional Advisor Asia, joins World Wetlands Day Celebrations in Nepal Ramsar Convention Esta foto foi tirada, na Estação Ecológica do TAIM, localizada no município de Rio Grande, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul no Brasil. Esta é uma área de preservação ambiental com uma rica biodiversidade. Slodkowski Marivane I enjoy wetland locations and love to swim. This would be a great opportunity for me. I am currently still in high school and expected to leave in the next 4 months. It would be a honor for me to explore the world at my age especially a wetland area and as a Geography CSEC student I would make the best of this trip. Taschae Lammie I'm a young self-taught Brazilian photographer passionate about photography since childhood which seeks to expose a view of more organic and harmonious world... Hélder Santana Juliana Santos Prado Tamires gestora ambiental Janicléia Souza Jany Bióloga Italy, Auronzo di Cadore Ana-Maria Gore This photo was taken in the beach "Praia das Flexas", in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. The photo represents how it is possible to preserve and co-exist with the beautiful and diverse wildlife, that exists in this ecosystem. Isadora Nicacio Queen of bogs In this picture there is a sundew. Made in Estonia. Annaleena Vaher The three pictures represent landscapes and wildlife of my state, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The photos were taken by me, in the Ecological Reserve Guapiaçu a place where we can clearly see the importance of preserving wetlands. Sara Saturnino Arezou Ashrafizadeh and Hossein Z Rafi CEPA focal Points Iran with Camilla Chalmers Ramsar Secretariat Ramsar Convention Reserva natural de Fernando de Noronha, parte do morro dos dois irmãos, com a cor impressionante do mar da Baia do Sancho. Paula Rodrigues 27