Gallery 0 Résultats Reset All Close Esta apreensão fotográfica quer repassar o meio natural em que as relações não são inerte em sua efetivação, não é mera paisagem, mas se constitui em elemento fundamental para compreender as interações não apenas entre seres humanos, mas entre todos os seres vivos, e aí é preciso reconhecer a inseparabilidade entre o humano e a natureza. Sua dependência será sempre ecossitêmica. Registro fotográfico das areas de varzea do interior da cidade de Parintins- Amazonas- Brasil. Suzan Monteverde Monteverde This photograph taken in "Las Tablas de Daimiel" (Ciudad Real- Spain) shows the responsible use of wetlands for traditional fishing and tourism, two sources of life and culture for the future. These boats are used by the Daimiel National Park for scientific drilling. Beatriz Pérez Ruiz PekaPeka Wetland, Hastings. Matt Flower Winter wonderland Kairo Kiitsak The Takahe are found in the swamp/ marshlands of the South Island. They rely on the wetlands for food for themselves, and rely on the aquatic insects to feed their chicks. Tara Swan Wetland with amazing reflection 2015 Jayde Pickworth Esta foto foi tirada, na Estação Ecológica do TAIM, localizada no município de Rio Grande, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul no Brasil. Esta é uma área de preservação ambiental com uma rica biodiversidade. Slodkowski Marivane "messolonghi greece" Λιμνοθάλασσα Μεσολογγίου Katerina Kousouri Yuri Paola Olavez Martinez Humedales del Arroyo Maldonado- La Barra, Uruguay Camila Febles The beautiful Rattray Marsh Conservation area: located in Mississauga, Ontario-Canada (Fall 2013) Lucia Salvati A wetland near Dhaka, Bangladesh..some sort of birds like egrets, herons can be found here...very beautiful place and I love it. Shahriar Aman Tomada en Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, México Violeta Castañeda Ciénaga de la zapatosa- Colombia, una de las ciénaga mas grandes del mundo y un importante recurso para la fauna silvestre y las poblaciones aledañas, ademas de albergar gran cantidad de aves y peces cuenta con diversidad de flora, a pesar de que se ve alterada en gran parte por la intervención humana. Oscar Eduardo Morales Gonzalez A glimpse of an eye-soothing scenery taken at Sampaloc Lake Ken Dave Comendador Tamiahua, Varacruz, Mexico Blanca Escarlet Quiroz Alejandre Old fisherman's village, named Karuč, at Skadar Lake. Montenegro Maja Radulovic humedal cordoba- colegio john dewey. Anita Ortegon Wetlands generally support an important Wetlands biodiversity and in many cases provide critical habitat for critically endangered species. Los humedales generalmente sustentan una importante diversidad biológica y en muchos casos constituyen hábitats críticos para especies seriamente amenazadas. Leer más: Modesto Ricardo Contreras González Humedales De Nuestro Corregimiento Y Sus Alrededores Maria Cristina Doria Lopez Unity College, Caloundra students frog pond planting for World Wetland Day 2015 to create frog habitat as well as help protect the Pumicestone Passage - Ramsar wetland area. Steevens Simone This is Pekapeka Swamp, south of Hastings, New Zealand. It is being restored back to its former glory by the local council who recognise its importance. Rachel Hyde The photos were taken in the Subject Area for Conservation Ecology Lagoon System Catazaja and La Libertad, Chiapas, Mexico. Las fotos fueron tomadas en la Zona Sujeta a Conservación Ecología Sistema Lagunar Catazaja y La Libertad, Chiapas, Mexico Ana Patricia Estrada López Wet area in Amazon Bruna Toscano Blossoming of Life - Along the border of Australia, you are surrounded by nature. With the coast on one side and countless marshes and wildlife species on the other! Russell Connor Unity College, Caloundra students frog pond planting for World Wetland Day 2015 to create frog habitat as well as help protect the Pumicestone Passage - Ramsar wetland area. Steevens Simone Estação Ecológica do Taim, Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil. Cassieli Matiasso