Gallery 0 Résultats Reset All Close The vast, infinite beauty of Prespa Lake, Macedonia. The crystal clear water on a serene evening, the waves quietly whispering, humming their beautiful song under the cloudy sky. Vangel Krstnovski Mighan Arak, Iran Samanian Majid Agusan Marsh. The largest Marshland in the Philippines. A great variety of marshland flora and fauna can be found in the marsh, including the endangered Philippine Crocodile. There are also a few small Manobo settlements within the protected area, covering about 6% of the vast wetland. A great variety of wildlife inhabit Agusan Marsh. Paula Sophia Tejada norway bergen lake lies clambering up the mountain sides, overlooking the sea, embracing you. You can roam through living history in this modern city, riham rabeea Enjoying the sunrise on the Lake Leman Jane Smith Camels in the dry Aran & Bidgol lake in Isfahan, Iran babak mehrafshar Ohrid lake in Macedonia Doroteya Galbacheva This is tiger lake situated in the northern part of tikauli biological corridor. This lake is present on the sal forest and is managed by allowing it for fish farming. The community forest is responsible for overall protection and management of forest. Udit Aryal Loktak lake is located near Moirang in Manipur state. It is about one hour drive from Imphal. This lake is famous for the so called "Phumdis" floating over it. Keibul Lamjoa National Park, which the the world's only floating nationl park floats over this lake. This lake plays an important role in the economy of Manipur. The lake is also a source of livelihood for the rural fishermen who live in the surrounding areas Tshering Zam Wetland being used as a mode of transportation, Rishav Adhikari ali rostami This is a wetland is located in Turkey-Bolu. The tree leaves become more colourful when spring comes Ozge Ucoluk Sørkjosleira Nature reserve and Ramsar Site. Owerlooking the mudflats, the fjord and the distant mountains Arild Endal A foto 'O Pescar' mostra o homem sertanejo dentro d'água em uma lagoa realizando a atividade da pesca como atividade prazerosa e para o consumo da família, realizando-a de formar sustentável, sem agredir o meio. Renan Santos Utilisation de la zone humide La zone humide est utiliser pour fournir aux habitants de la ville de Bukavu les poissons appellent communément appellent sambaza (limnotricia myondom) et permet à cette population de voyager travers ce milieu pour aller à Goma ville de la province du Nord -Kivu.Conservation Ce milieu aide le monde entier pour réduire le réchauffement climatique, par contre ce milieu est male gérer par la population de la ville de Bukavu parce que on y jette les déchets de toutes sortes et ses déchets contribuent sur la mortalité élevée des poissons par conséquent s’amène une crise dans la ville de Bukavu.Mode de vie La population de la ville de Bukavu vivent grâce à la production de fretins(sambaza) et presque la moitié de l’une de ces trois commune qu’on trouvent dans la ville de Bukavu vive grâce à cette d’eau qu’ils utilisent pour la boissons(eau vive)et utilisation ménagères. Bonnet Freddy chibalonza “Libon Lged ne Keteng Sebu!” These clams (“Keteng”) are very abundant in Lake Sebu’s lakes and rivers. Tboli people usually dig these clams to cook it, which by the way is very delicious, and of course to sell it to gain income. Even then, Tboli tribe has been finding these clams from below the mud flats where they live with the use of “salaf” (a net) and the generous Lake continues to provide it along with its other richness! Darlene Pearl Ofong Humedal localizado dentro del Parque Nacional Natural los nevados, en la cordillera Central de Colombia. El complejo se abastecen de agua a más de medio millón de colombianos. Su importancia,es elevada, para el ser humano y la naturaleza. Karol Fernanda Montoya D Twenty thousand lake ( Bis Hajari Lake) situated inside the Chitwan National Park , Nepal. It is registered in World Wetland Site( Ramsar site) in the habitat of many aquatic plants and animals. Gharials and other reptiles are found here. It is also the source of water to Khageri irrigation project which irrigate most of the part of western site of Chitwan. many organisation and local bodies are working for protecting the site. Upakar Bhandari This wetland is located in Germany. It is really beautiful place. Ozge Ucoluk World wetland day.Sørkjosleira nature reserve and Ramsar cite on 2. february. Arild Endal O município de Ribeirópolis possui uma área de 263 km², está inserido parcialmente na Bacia do rio Sergipe que integra a microrregião de Carira, situada na zona oeste, transição de Agreste com o Sertão. Assim como vários municípios que enfrentam problemas de escassez de água, o município de Ribeirópolis possui o açude do Cajueiro, este foi construído em 1956 com o propósito de reduzir a carência de água na região, possibilitando a convivência da população com a seca. O açude vem sendo usado ao longo do tempo para o abastecimento humano e animal, irrigação e criação de peixes. Aichha Carolina Pereira Vransko jezero Ivana Vukman A small lake between several villages in the mountain, with beautiful coastal vegetation, home of birds and also used for irrigation Stefani Zgureva Lake Uru Uru, is the smaller brother of lake Poopó in the Oruro Department, Bolivia. Together they form a valuable RAMSAR-site since July 2002. A place where both, indigneous people and endemic and endangered birds, such as the Chilean flamingo, can find their food Although this beautiful landscape seems perfect (as some the pictures may suggest): Blue water, open sky, nature and people living peacefuly together. There is also a counterside. Both the lakes got heavily contaminated because of various factors. Mining activities in the sorrounding region, bad management of sewer coming from te city of Oruro and a too low awareness about waste management. Due to the contamination hundreds of thousands of fish have died in November 2014. Meaning an inmense loss of food and economic resources for the local indigenous Uru population in the region. On top of that also the danger of extinction for the red list species and the local Uru people living in this area.On the field trip we where undertaking we met a girl walking along a deserted road going through the Lago Uru Uru area. Driving past the heavily contaminated wetlands this only dramaticised the whole picture. We took the girl with us to the farm she and her mother where working that day at the end of the road where the road ends in the Lago Uru Uru. The farm situated in the little traditional Uru-houses, only less than a mile away from the heavily contaminated fields, keeps both sheeps and cows living alongside of the lake. Also a large variety of bird-species can be spotted in this area. Delivering really pittoresque images. On the other hand stories were told by the farmer that the sheep were being born more and more in deformed way. Also the farms’ cows where faced with more and more miscarriages. The cause for these severe problems for the Uru-population is not really hard to find since the proof is literally around the corner. Laurens EL LAGO DE CAJITITLÁN SE ENCUIENTRA EN EL MUNICIPIO DE TLAJOMULCO, LOS PESCADORES DEPENDEN DE LA PESCA, SI LOS POBLADORES CONTAMINAN EL LAGO, SMUCHOS PECES PODRÍAN MORIR, HACE UN AÑO MURIERON MILLONES DE PECES POR LO MISMO, EL GOBIERNO ESTÁ APOYANDO MARIELA CASILLAS ZUBIETA Dawn to dusk my job in wetlands...Dipor bil, Ramsar site, South Asian Forum for Environment conservation movement, "Biorights of Commons", for sustainable livelihood and future. Amrita Chatterjee It is a beautiful interface between the land and the incredible Green Lake at Green Lakes State Park, near the city of Syracuse NY. This wetland is home for a lot of life, a good view to be seen, and an important place to be preserved. Eliane Zaparoli Quiles