Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Barra de Guaratiba's mangrove is the largest and most preserved mangrove of the city of Rio de Janeiro. It's ecologically and economically very important to the local people. Its habitants and restaurants rely on it as the main source of seafood to be both consumed or commerced. The extensive mangrove has two connections to the Atlantic ocean resulting in the beautiful formation of an over 30km long sandbank. Rodrigo Oliveira Tamiahua, Varacruz, Mexico Hector Santiago Careaga Martinez São Miguel Island - Estuary zone - Paranagua city - Parana - Brazil Mirelly Lacerda Pinheiro Leptokaria, Greece ''It's always ourselves we find in the sea.'' Mihaela Simeonova This photo shows a mangrove located in Morro de São Paulo in the state of Bahia. In addition to the typical plants of this ecosystem, we have many animals that need these habitats to reproduce and for food. Julia Guimarães Pequeno bosque de mangue (bosque iniciante), no Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo, Brasil. Viesba Everton Praia dos Ranchos em Trindade/RJ Jean Gomes De Souza Seldovia AK on the southern coast of the Kenai peninsula. Seldovia sits on the edge of the inlet, home to the seldovi village tribe. The inlet has one of the most dramatic tide shifts in the world and is a home to coastal sea otters, wild salmon, whales, puffin, bald eagles, bears, and a variety of tidal creatures. Today the tribe still uses the resources found both in the sea and the rich land surrounding the town. From berry picking to fishing the land is rich in resources and endangered wildlife. Emily Shirtz Behind the mangrove at sunrise: Wood storks, Roseate Spoonbills, Black-necked Stilts, White Ibises and other birds feeding on shrimp ponds and mud flats near Palo Seco, Parrita, Costa Rica. Charlotte Laila Devitre A gray morning in baía da Babitonga, south coast of Brasil. Bárbara De Jesus Francisco Da Silva Filho José The significance of wetlands as a source of water, food and ecosystem services for human needs. Maria Kerstin A Baía de Guaratuba - Paraná, é um dos indicados a se tornar um sítio Ramsar, devido a sua importância ambiental e interesse ecológico. Entre o cultivo sustentável de ostras, a pesca e o turismo, como os principais meios de sobrevivência da população, a baía ainda abriga os chamados sambaquis, que são montes compostos principalmente por ossos fossilizados, moluscos, conchas e utensílios utilizados por povos que habitaram o litoral do Brasil na Pré-História. Annelise Nascimento Humedales del Arroyo Maldonado, La Barra, Uruguay Camila Febles A newly discovered perfect sidetrip in Pawikan(Sea Turtle) Conservation and Protection Center . A 30-minute lazy boat ride through the nipas and verdant mangroves which were planted 10 years ago by Mang Danny (in blue shirt), pawikan hatchery caretaker. Joylyn Ty Tomazelli Joana La foto fue tomada durante un curso de manejo costero cerca de Utila, Honduras. Verónica Bojorque Reserva de Mar chiquita, foto dónde me enfoque en mostrar más la laguna, dónde comparte espacio con el mar. Emilce Nadina Lobos Reserva Nacioinal de Paracas Yuki Ozaki Cancun is known internationally for the beauty of its beaches. This would not have been without the help of mangroves who grow here. Cancún a nivel internacional y nacional, lo ha caracterizado la belleza de sus playas y arenas. Esto no hubiera sido sin la ayuda de los manglares que en él se encuentran. Fotografía: Manglares Nichupté. Melchor Ernesto Muñoz Dzib Barra de Guaratiba's mangrove is the largest and most preserved mangrove of the city of Rio de Janeiro. It's ecologically and economically very important to the local people. Its habitants and restaurants rely on it as the main source of seafood to be both consumed or commerced. The extensive mangrove has two connections to the Atlantic ocean resulting in the beautiful formation of an over 30km long sandbank. Rodrigo Oliveira Estuary zone - Paranagua city - Parana - Brazil Mirelly Lacerda Pinheiro Imagem do Parque Nacional da Lagoa do Peixe, Mostardas/Tavares/ Rio Grande do Sul. Marcos Filipe Ferreira The Modern Green Fingers. This kid is planting Mangrove Tree for his and everyone's future. To sustain the different species that exist at Balanga City Wetland Park. Michael Jeffrey Carlos Preparação para a Pesca do Siri, realizada por comunidade tradicional na Baía de Paranaguá - PR Mirelly Lacerda Pinheiro Man made Mangrove Plantation Joshua Quadra These two kids are planting mangrove trees for their future and the future of Balanga City Wetland and Natures Park. It depicts how they are very much concerned to give life and hope for the different species living in the area. Michael Jeffrey Carlos