Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Qoliqoli Cokovata Jürgen Freund, 16 April 2013 Meinmahla Kyun Wildlife Sanctuary Zau Lunn 2015 It is estimated that about 6.5 million people depend directly or indirectly on the wider Sundarbans ecosystem for their livelihoods. IUCN / Mizuki Murai Seochon-gun county Seochon-gun county Seocheon Tidal Flat is an open tidal flat directly linked to the ocean, its ecosystem is composed of a combination of sand and/or muddy sand flats which are very important for migratory birds and as a spawning and nursery ground for fish. Seochon-gun county Gippsland Lakes Ramsar Site, Australia Official site for Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Ramsar Convention Secretary General, Martha Rojas-Urrego, visting Sian Ka'an Ramsar Site CONANP Mexico Sian Ka'an lies on a large karstic plain along a 120km-long barrier reef. Two large, shallow bays surrounded by mangroves, as well as numerous sinkholes or cenotes, are main landmarks in a landscape of tropical deciduous forests. CONANP Mexico The Site is flat and low, featuring shallow salt marshes and small lagoons. Mubarak Al-Kabeer Reserve is located on Boubyan Island on the western side of the Shatt Al-Arab in the north-western Gulf. Elise Allely Elise Allely Elise Allely Manglares de Nichupté, Ramsar Site no. 1777. These dense strips of mangrove protect inland areas against hurricanes and storms. Ramsar Convention Irrawaddy delta’s last remaining important mangrove estuary hosts Myanmar’s largest crocodile population Fauna & Flora International (FFI) Kota Kinabalu Wetland Sabah Wetlands Conservation Society A Ramsar Site of International Importance, the wetland on the edge of the Inner Deep Bay is an important stop-off point for migrating water birds on the flyway between New Zealand and Siberia as they move north and south for the summer and winter. Paul Steyn Paul Steyn The unique balance between people and nature at Mai Po seems to be working, but the slow march of urbanization in Hong Kong and China represents one of the largest threats to the wetland. Paul Steyn Mangroves along the Watamu coastal town, Kenya. Paloma de Andrés Ródenas Mangrove Swamp, Pagbilao Quezon, Philippines Adriane B. Tobias Mangroves, Djebadji coastal village Benjamin Bureau Gulf of Mottama Ramsar Site East Asian Australasian Flyway Partnership Gulf of Mottama Christoph Zöckler 2017 The Peel-yalgorup Ramsar Site is the most important area for waterbirds and waders in Southwest Australia, regularly supporting over 20,000 individuals. The system supports a regionally important estuarine fishery. The area is used extensively for recreational purposes. David Rennie