Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Essa imagem foi retirada nas margens da Lagoa dos Patos, município de São Jose do Norte - RS. Representa um senhor que vive exclusivamente da pesca nessa região repleta de banhados e lagoas. Pâmela Gayer The Danube Delta andrei marin A man making a living out of the coconut tree that grows by the coastal wetlands Brian Osweta A área úmida que escolhi foi a praia, pois é um local onde muitas pessoas vão todos os dias para apreciar sua beleza natural e precisamos ter consciência para poder preserva-lá. Larissa Peruzzo Au cœur de la réserve Naturelle de La Baie de Somme, en France, ici passent un grand nombre d'oiseaux migrateurs. Elisa HEURTAUX En la Ciénaga de la Virgen o Tesca, en canoa, pajareando de madrugada. La cano es de Javier, un pescador, ambientalista, habitante del corregimiento aledaño a la ciénaga que lleva el nombre de "La Boquilla". Javier hace parte de una empresa comunitaria de ecoturismo en la cual prestan el servicio de paseos en canoa por este importante humedal de Cartagena. Maria Fernanda Patiño El maravilloso pescado de Vinã del Mar, Chile. Brunna Heine Tourists and locals enjoying the beach in a sustainable way. Cristine Huff Água viva fotografada ao nascer do Sol na Praia de Porto de Galinhas. Paulo Roberto da Silva Junior Junior Coastline is changing. Mangroves along the coast are facing severe land use change due to unplanned city expansion, diminishing the ecosystem services these provide to society such as extreme tides control. Cartagena city, as many others located by the sea, is seriously threated by sea level rise and increase of extreme events frequency, and mangroves are natural barriers which reduce the impact of these phenomena. Unfortunately unplanned urban soil expansion is taking over this ecosystems, increasing the exposure of society to sea level change risks and demanding in the future expensive grey infrastructure based solutions for a problem which nature can help us to solve for free. Jorge Leon A solitary skater watches the northern sunset while gliding over smooth ice on a Toronto lagoon. It is an enchanted location where people can experience nature and solitude within Canada's largest urban area. The ice season was shorter this year because of global warming. Hannah Mittelstaedt An important destination an important destination Benghazi and visitors because of celebrations, festivals and children games that take place there, especially in the summer. beautiful view and fresh air, and where the Libyan youngest hang out during the Libyan Revolution, family and love one usually go out and walk there on the weekend. riham rabeea Fotografía en medio del Humedal Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, que muestra cómo pobladores que viven a orillas de la ciénaga grande, desarrollan labores de extracción de recursos naturales de manera artesanal, para así tratar de no afectar al ecosistema que, actualmente, atraviesa una crisis de salinización. Dayana Carreño O ser humano se adapta e protege quando ele quer, águas preservadas pelo ser humano em constante sincronia com nossa humanidade... paulo jailton Replanting mangroves in Jamaica's coastal wetlands. Ava Tomlinson Foto del equipo de los hoteles Now Larimar, Now Garden y Secrets Royal Beach que fueron sensibilizados y colaboraron con la limpieza de Playa Macao. Leiny Santana Artisanal fisherman in Antonina Bay, an estuarine region in the state of Paraná, South Brazil. Photo taken in February, 2015. Rafaela Granzotti The serenity of this picture of Red Mangroves (Rizophora spp) is a relief to the soul. Jorge Leon fotografía tomada en Argentina, Mar Chiquita, un lugar que se encuentra a 34 km. de Mar del Plata yamila baldi Bounty.Cockle Harvesting in Kuala Sepetang.An exemplary site showing how wetland conservation functions alongside sustainable resource exploitation, Matang Mangrove Reserve (which encompasses Kuala Sepetang) is considered to be the best managed mangrove reserve in the world and at the same time, a source of livelihoods for the locals through fisheries, cockle harvesting and charcoal producing sector. Yew Aun Quek Families usually gathered in these coastal Wetlands in Kapatan, Glan Sarangani Province during Lowtides to glean for High Valued Seashells which they sell in the local market or ending up in as viand in thier Dining Table Cirilo Jr Lagnason Yachting in the sunset Luama Yoshida Traditional Fisherman. The resources of the sea allow the coastal people to make a livelihood. This fisherman only has traditional boat and could not go to the sea for fishing due to the high tide. He threw the fishing net into the lagoon and tried to catch some fishes. Michael Abhiseka Wasesajati Kids having fun at the beach showing how important wetlands are for our recreational purposes. Brian Osweta Pêcheurs dans leur bateau en osier plaqué au bord de la côte de Bai Bien Cua Dai, Hoi An, Viet Nam. Charlotte Devitre Preparação para a Pesca do Siri, realizada por comunidade tradicional na Baía de Paranaguá - PR Mirelly Lacerda Pinheiro Protected by the UNESCO World Heritage project, Mount Athos, with its 20 Eastern Orthodox monasteries, and numerous sketae (cloister,) cells and hermitages is one of the most extraordinary places on the earth. It is known as "land of the monks". The water of the Aegean Sea is not only a border or wall between Greece and Mount Athos, but way of living for the monks. The water here is full of great energy, deep secrets and splendid beauty. Because of that blessed water, the monks here were able to find food and survive dozens of centuries . One of my the most unforgettable memories.The picture has been taken on the fairy from Greece to Athos Mount (by the fairy - thats the only possible way to visit Mount Athos) 07:00 AM on sunrise! Beautiful and unforgottable. Yanislav Iliev