Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Muelle Laguna Isirere Marcelo Atahuichi Conexión de la Madre Tierra con Sus Hijos. Fatima Cristal Garduza Góngora A group of fishermen drags their boat away from the sea after a long day at work. Daniel Falonipe Egretta Thula flying on the beach in Torres camila bosenbecker Traditional fisherman launches his "atarraya" looking for the catch of the day early in the morning. In the past, before the coastal wetland was degraded with polluted waters from the surrounding city of Cartagena and it's communicating channels with the sea closed due to unplanned city expansion, fish production was remarkable, supporting the native people from fishers town La Boquilla to live from fish commercialization only. Nowadays this natural resource is so scarce that fishing in most cases is a unwanted job, only practiced by elders. Jorge Leon Vue de la Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel photographiée depuis la côte d'Hirel, Ille-et-Vilaine (35). Clément JOURDAN La Reserva Natural del Iberá, o agua brillante en guaraní, contiene lagunas y espejos de aguas menores, abarcando cientos de miles de hectáreas, conformando uno de los humedales mas importantes de nuestro país. Silb Elizalde Refuge.In Malaysia, the major source of protein is derived from fish which is usually caught locally by artisanal fishers. To protect their boats from the typhoons, fishermen seek refuge in the mangroves which cover most of the Southern coast. The mangroves break strong waves and is also a breeding ground for many pelagic fish. Yew Aun Quek Gleaners such this girl gathers in the Coastal Wetlands of Kapatan, Glan Sarangani Province. They are selling their gleaned items for 30 pesos per can which end up as their allowance going to tier respective schools. Cirilo Jr Lagnason Sail on the peaceful ocean whist enjoying the marvelous view of the sun sitting on the horizon Fefiloi Kerstin This photo shows the pollution in mangrove in Guanabara Bay, RJ. dandara bernardino bezerra Horse among the salt marsh in the Rachel Carson Reserve, in Beaufort, North Carolina, east coast of United States. Management of these wild horses has been successful in this coastal wetland reserve since 1990's. Photo taken in June, 2014. Rafaela Granzotti A mangrove newly planted last February 5, 2016 along the coastline of Glan, Sarangani Province in the Philippines. Behind it are the tetrapod placed to protect these mangrove from big waves. Mary Grace Yuen Laguting Pescador Artesanal voltando da cidade e indo para comunidade, depois de um dia de pesca e comercialização de pescado Mirelly Lacerda Pinheiro Fishermen at sunrise. Nícolas Schukkel Floating boats Diana Radulescu An usual morning at Sarichioi. Alina Verban The Modern Green Fingers. This kid is planting Mangrove Tree for his and everyone's future. To sustain the different species that exist at Balanga City Wetland Park. Michael Jeffrey Carlos South Africa, Simon's town. Human nature Laura Klink Bosque de mangue no Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo, Brasil. Viesba Everton Tide pools on coast of seldovia AK running out toward the sea. Home to a variety of sea creatures including sea stars, sea snails, and octopi. Whales, otters, and puffin live in the water of the coast and birds nest in the rock cliff near the waters edge. The habitat has been protect by the seldovia village tribe and the area supports a healthy population of bald eagles and other endangered species on the land and in the sea. Emily Shirtz Com 6 quilômetros de extensão, esta praia encontra-se fixada numa pequena elevação de terras e rochas denominada Ponta do Gi. Suelen Maria Beeck Cunha Lagoons and dunes in the municipality of Tutóia, state of Maranhão, northeast Brazil. Wellington Oliveira Humedal San San Ponk Sank. 2014 Ana Gabriela Espinoza Ocampo Foto de Porto Seguro - Bahia Geize Alves Pereira Adoro fotografia, O fotógrafo quanto faz uma foto - usa os olhos, a alma, o coração e a emoção. E no final o dedo. Steinhaus Ana Gabriela Fin Mangroves in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. Hijanel Umiten