Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close A raiz como suporte. Ecossistema Manguezal no Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo, Brasil. Viesba Everton Photo taken: at Municipality of Anini-y, Antique, Philippines Gadget used: Sony Xperia Z1 Compact John Myrvin Redondo Alligator Pond in Manchester,Jamaica Norris Redhi This photo was taken in the beach "Praia das Flexas", in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. The photo represents how it is possible to preserve and co-exist with the beautiful and diverse wildlife, that exists in this ecosystem. Isadora Nicacio Reserva natural de Fernando de Noronha, parte do morro dos dois irmãos, com a cor impressionante do mar da Baia do Sancho. Paula Rodrigues Tidal Wetland, Pelham Bay Park. Bronx, NY. Marcel Negret Delta do Rio Preguiças, Barreirinhas, Maranhão, Brasil. Maria Costa Children of tomorrow enjoying the evening breeze, with the warm reflection of the sun sitting at the horizon. A panoramic view of Apia harbour, Samoa. Maria Kerstin Farias Da Silva Paula Elayane Humpback whales often fish in the Canadian coast. To better escape, sardines form great "bait balls", as they are called, and swim close to the surface. When that happens, a large flock of seagulls gather and often engage in fights for the right of fishing in specific spots. Leonardo Ramos Humedales del Arroyo Maldonado- La Barra, Uruguay Camila Febles Lagoa dos Patos, Rio Grande do Sul Tomazelli Joana Milena Castro De Azevedo I took this picture at the back of our house. Pimentel Seth Mangroves of United Arab Emirates Khalifa Humaid Alsaadi Wetlands monitoring Ramsar Site No. 1602 "Wetlands and Mangroves of Tuxpan" in Veracruz, Mexico. Monitoreo de los humedales herbaceos del Sitio Rmsar N°1602 "Humedales y Manglares de Tuxpan" en Veracruz, México. Alan Cupil Diaz Barra de Guaratiba's mangrove is the largest and most preserved mangrove of the city of Rio de Janeiro. It's ecologically and economically very important to the local people. Its habitants and restaurants rely on it as the main source of seafood to be both consumed or commerced. The extensive mangrove has two connections to the Atlantic ocean resulting in the beautiful formation of an over 30km long sandbank. Rodrigo Oliveira Tamiahua, Varacruz, Mexico Hector Santiago Careaga Martinez São Miguel Island - Estuary zone - Paranagua city - Parana - Brazil Mirelly Lacerda Pinheiro Leptokaria, Greece ''It's always ourselves we find in the sea.'' Mihaela Simeonova This photo shows a mangrove located in Morro de São Paulo in the state of Bahia. In addition to the typical plants of this ecosystem, we have many animals that need these habitats to reproduce and for food. Julia Guimarães Pequeno bosque de mangue (bosque iniciante), no Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo, Brasil. Viesba Everton Praia dos Ranchos em Trindade/RJ Jean Gomes De Souza Seldovia AK on the southern coast of the Kenai peninsula. Seldovia sits on the edge of the inlet, home to the seldovi village tribe. The inlet has one of the most dramatic tide shifts in the world and is a home to coastal sea otters, wild salmon, whales, puffin, bald eagles, bears, and a variety of tidal creatures. Today the tribe still uses the resources found both in the sea and the rich land surrounding the town. From berry picking to fishing the land is rich in resources and endangered wildlife. Emily Shirtz Behind the mangrove at sunrise: Wood storks, Roseate Spoonbills, Black-necked Stilts, White Ibises and other birds feeding on shrimp ponds and mud flats near Palo Seco, Parrita, Costa Rica. Charlotte Laila Devitre A gray morning in baía da Babitonga, south coast of Brasil. Bárbara De Jesus Francisco Da Silva Filho José