Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Ramsar Convention Secretary General, Martha Rojas-Urrego, visting Sian Ka'an Ramsar Site CONANP Mexico Sian Ka'an lies on a large karstic plain along a 120km-long barrier reef. Two large, shallow bays surrounded by mangroves, as well as numerous sinkholes or cenotes, are main landmarks in a landscape of tropical deciduous forests. CONANP Mexico Manglares de Nichupté, Ramsar Site no. 1777. These dense strips of mangrove protect inland areas against hurricanes and storms. Ramsar Convention This mangroves area is protected by a cooperative that strives to make it known to tourists using only rowboats, tourists are asked not to make noise. Ventanilla, Oaxaca, México. Es un área protegida por una cooperativa que se empeña en darla a conocer a los turistas utilizando únicamente lanchas de remos, pidiéndoles que no hagan ruidos e involucrándolos en diferentes actividades: conocer los manglares y la fauna que allí habita y liberar a las tortugas, entre otras. Francesca Caregnato La importancia de los manglares como un atractivo natural para el turismo en Quintana Roo, México. Sistema Laguna Nichupté Leonildo Tun Caamal Costa Alegre, Jalisco Jiselle De León Blue Heron Daniela Garcia De Quevedo Raymundo Photo taken inside the reserve of Sian Ka'an biosphere dela; It is a bridge that crosses the mouth that connects the mangroves by the Caribbean Sea. Represents the importance of these environments to marine species, these connections are vital to the life cycles of many animals. In addition, the photo highlights the beauty that can have these environments.Foto tomada dentro de la reserva de la biósfera de Sian Ka'an; es un puente que cruza la boca que conecta al manglar con el mar Caribe. Representa la importancia que tienen estos ambientes con las especies marinas, estas conexiones son de vital importancia para los ciclos de vida de muchos animales. Además, la foto resalta la belleza que pueden llegar a tener estos ambientes. Rubén Muñoz De Cote Hernández Laguna de Chautengo de la Costa Grande, Guerrero Juan Antonio Jaramillo Vazquez Tidal Wetland, Pelham Bay Park. Bronx, NY. Marcel Negret Wetlands monitoring Ramsar Site No. 1602 "Wetlands and Mangroves of Tuxpan" in Veracruz, Mexico. Monitoreo de los humedales herbaceos del Sitio Rmsar N°1602 "Humedales y Manglares de Tuxpan" en Veracruz, México. Alan Cupil Diaz Tamiahua, Varacruz, Mexico Hector Santiago Careaga Martinez Seldovia AK on the southern coast of the Kenai peninsula. Seldovia sits on the edge of the inlet, home to the seldovi village tribe. The inlet has one of the most dramatic tide shifts in the world and is a home to coastal sea otters, wild salmon, whales, puffin, bald eagles, bears, and a variety of tidal creatures. Today the tribe still uses the resources found both in the sea and the rich land surrounding the town. From berry picking to fishing the land is rich in resources and endangered wildlife. Emily Shirtz Cancun is known internationally for the beauty of its beaches. This would not have been without the help of mangroves who grow here. Cancún a nivel internacional y nacional, lo ha caracterizado la belleza de sus playas y arenas. Esto no hubiera sido sin la ayuda de los manglares que en él se encuentran. Fotografía: Manglares Nichupté. Melchor Ernesto Muñoz Dzib La manzanilla, Jalisco Jiselle De León This photo depicts the beautiful sunset over the Assawoman Bay in Ocean City, Maryland during a summer evening in August 2014. Chelsey Nemphos A beautiful place such as the Chacahua Lagunas National Park contains so much natural wealth with every organism that lives in this ecosystem, both plants and animals maintain a constant balance in this magical place. Un lugar tan bello como lo es el Parque Nacional Lagunas de Chacahua guarda riqueza en demasía con cada organismo que vive dentro de este ecosistema, tanto plantas como animales mantienen un equilibrio constante en este mágico sitio. Axel Vasquez Christchurch waterfront, VA Hao Iris Lagunas de Montebello National Park. Ramsar Site. Parque Nacional y Sitio Ramsar Lagunas de Montebello, Chiapas. Ernesto Isaías Aguilar Camacho Mangrove roots Daniela Garcia De Quevedo Raymundo Mangrove Puerto Morelos, Quintana Roo Jesús Gilberto Hau Azcorra Photo taken in Laguna Terms Campeche. The photograph shows the connection of children with this type of ecosystem, these children only with a small boat had fun on the banks of the lagoon. Foto tomada en Laguna de Términos Campeche. La fotografía representa la conexión de los niños con este tipo de ecosistemas, estos niños sólo con un pequeño bote se divertían a las orillas de la laguna. Que los niños aprecien y disfruten de los humedales es vital para su conservación presente y futura. Rubén Muñoz De Cote Hernández A solitary skater watches the northern sunset while gliding over smooth ice on a Toronto lagoon. It is an enchanted location where people can experience nature and solitude within Canada's largest urban area. The ice season was shorter this year because of global warming. Hannah Mittelstaedt Conexión de la Madre Tierra con Sus Hijos. Fatima Cristal Garduza Góngora Horse among the salt marsh in the Rachel Carson Reserve, in Beaufort, North Carolina, east coast of United States. Management of these wild horses has been successful in this coastal wetland reserve since 1990's. Photo taken in June, 2014. Rafaela Granzotti Tide pools on coast of seldovia AK running out toward the sea. Home to a variety of sea creatures including sea stars, sea snails, and octopi. Whales, otters, and puffin live in the water of the coast and birds nest in the rock cliff near the waters edge. The habitat has been protect by the seldovia village tribe and the area supports a healthy population of bald eagles and other endangered species on the land and in the sea. Emily Shirtz