Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Elise Allely Elise Allely Elise Allely Albufera Valencia michelle guamanzara medina Pesca artesanal en la laguna de l'Albufera de Valencia. Parc Natural de l'Albufera de Valencia Oro blanco en la Laguna rosa. Parque Natural La Mata-Torrevieja Pescador en L'albufera de Valencia michelle guamanzara medina El cultivo tradicional del arroz en l'Albufera de valencia. Parc Natural de l'Albufera de Valencia Mar Menor, laguna litoral de agua salada situada en la Región de Murcia, España. Es el humedal RAMSAR número 706, designado como las Naciones Unidas como Zona Especialmente Protegida de Importancia para el Mediterráneo (Convenio de Barcelona). Actualmente sufre una grave amenaza por parte de la agricultura intensiva y sus vertidos. En esta fotografía se observa su uso recreativo en actividades náuticas y su uso pesquero. Raquel Muñoz Sea-Urban life Daniela Draganova Leptokaria, Greece ''It's always ourselves we find in the sea.'' Mihaela Simeonova Tortue luth juvénile en route vers la grande aventure au levé du soleil. Plage de Rémire Lucie Toussaint The Danube Delta is the second largest river delta in Europe, after the Volga Delta, and is the best preserved on the continent. Roxana Mihaela Banu Voici une vue du site Ramsar de la Ria Formosa en Algarve au Portugal. Il s'agit d'une zone de lagunes s'étendant sur une soixantaine de kilomètres de long et protégée de l'océan par un cordon d'îles dunaires. Simon Paulais The Danube Delta andrei marin Au cœur de la réserve Naturelle de La Baie de Somme, en France, ici passent un grand nombre d'oiseaux migrateurs. Elisa HEURTAUX Protected by the UNESCO World Heritage project, Mount Athos, with its 20 Eastern Orthodox monasteries, and numerous sketae (cloister,) cells and hermitages is one of the most extraordinary places on the earth. It is known as "land of the monks". The water of the Aegean Sea is not only a border or wall between Greece and Mount Athos, but way of living for the monks. The water here is full of great energy, deep secrets and splendid beauty. Because of that blessed water, the monks here were able to find food and survive dozens of centuries . One of my the most unforgettable memories.The picture has been taken on the fairy from Greece to Athos Mount (by the fairy - thats the only possible way to visit Mount Athos) 07:00 AM on sunrise! Beautiful and unforgottable. Yanislav Iliev Vue de la Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel photographiée depuis la côte d'Hirel, Ille-et-Vilaine (35). Clément JOURDAN Floating boats Diana Radulescu An usual morning at Sarichioi. Alina Verban The Wadden Sea area has been at the centre of the Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation since 1982. Tobias Salathé The Wadden Sea is protected and manged as one ecological entity and there is a consistent approach to tourism operations within the area. Tobias Salathé The Wadden Sea extends over three countries, the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark and is one of the largest tourist destinations in Europe. Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C)