Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Los Nevados National Park, Water Protector Juanantonio Ocampo A photograph which displays the very feeling of serenity and tranquil . This wetland , YS falls in St.Elizabeth Jamaica , embodies and encaptures an aura of peacefulness . It is used as a recreational and tourist attraction that soothes ones state of mind by means of the lovely water falls that flows effortlessly along the cheekbones of Jamaica's finest geological rocks . The surrounding semi Forrest of the environment contributes to the overwhelming beauty of the atmosphere present at YS Falls. Nache Smith Ciénaga de la zapatosa- Colombia, una de las ciénaga mas grandes del mundo y un importante recurso para la fauna silvestre y las poblaciones aledañas, ademas de albergar gran cantidad de aves y peces cuenta con diversidad de flora, a pesar de que se ve alterada en gran parte por la intervención humana. Oscar Eduardo Morales Gonzalez Isla San Pedro - Humedal Lago de Tota, Aquitania, Boyacá, Colombia. María Del Pilar Lemus Gutiérrez A glimpse of an eye-soothing scenery taken at Sampaloc Lake Ken Dave Comendador Rio Uruguay Charlie Waite Kingfisher, Natural Park of Albufera, Spain. Martín pescador común al sol. Fotografía tomada en la reserva natural del Racó de l´olla. Parc Natural de L´Albufera. Guillermo García Ruiz Photography: Germany, Schwerin, lake of the tourist Schwerin Castle. Eduarda Cristina Wolf Frog in Watsonville Wetlands in California Danielle Karonis Tamiahua, Varacruz, Mexico Blanca Escarlet Quiroz Alejandre Autumn is a time spent mostly at the warmth of our houses, Rain keeps coming down from the sky and gusting winds are blowing from all directions. But when you decide to leave your house and head to the bog, you might be in for a surprise- the beauty of the bog might kick you off your feet. Maris Pärn Morro do Chapéu, Chapada Diamantina, Bahia. Cachoeira do Ferro Doido, Rafael Silva Oliveira Green pastures during the rainy season at Tanakeke Island Regista Rapa The happy Jacksnipe for better future. Vojtěch Šťastný Abas Abaszadeh Melissa Zanferrari Godoy River Bistrita is in Neamt County. Flenchea Stefan Old fisherman's village, named Karuč, at Skadar Lake. Montenegro Maja Radulovic Krushuna waterfall in North Bulgaria. Marina Popova Rio Tahuayo Jhonatan Caro Tuesta Beautiful native woodland that grows along the northern shores of Lough Derg, the largest and and last lake on the River Shannon system. Woodland growing in open sided environments such as this, is confronted by exposure to the elements that have gathered force over large waters and the confrontation of tree growth and harsh conditions is evident in the weather-beaten profiles. Edmund Burke wetland for food and livelihood, adaptation at its best. Loktak lake, Manipur Johnson Laishram Wetlands attract all sorts of bird life. The black swan raises its family here as it provides food and protection. This mother did a wonderful job of raising her young, all made it to adulthood. I have been quite attached to these birds so watching them grow up was lovely. Tara Swan humedal cordoba- colegio john dewey. Anita Ortegon Wetlands generally support an important Wetlands biodiversity and in many cases provide critical habitat for critically endangered species. Los humedales generalmente sustentan una importante diversidad biológica y en muchos casos constituyen hábitats críticos para especies seriamente amenazadas. Leer más: Modesto Ricardo Contreras González Humedales De Nuestro Corregimiento Y Sus Alrededores Maria Cristina Doria Lopez Brabrand lake sunset... Zuzana Polaic