Gallery 0 Results Reset All Close Cheremske Bog Ramsar Site M.Khymyn Somyne Swamps Oksan Golovko Mangrove Swamp, Pagbilao Quezon, Philippines Adriane B. Tobias Ethan Staats is a M.Sc. graduate student at Virginia Commonwealth University studying biology. His research interests include predator-prey interaction ecology, Wetlands biodiversity and ecosystems function, and evolutionary biology, and he has worked with aquatic macro-invertbrates in his research. He believes that photography is a good way to communicate the beauty and uniqueness found in nature. Ethan Staats Rich in diversity, where many species are born, contrasting the mud, which give rise to a range of individuals and colors which is supporting our local population. Bragança-Pará Fábio Silva Caddo Lake, Texas Amber Cole Wetland in Parintins, Amazon, Brazil Benevenuto Júnior The Takahe are found in the swamp/ marshlands of the South Island. They rely on the wetlands for food for themselves, and rely on the aquatic insects to feed their chicks. Tara Swan This is Pekapeka Swamp, south of Hastings, New Zealand. It is being restored back to its former glory by the local council who recognise its importance. Rachel Hyde Pamela Aline Garcia landscape park «Mizhrichynskyi», Chernihiv oblast, Ukraine Liubov Shkurenko Toscana (Padule di Fucecchio) n.2 Negrini Francesca Alec Batts Vitoria Amazônica Fernanda Santiago Cado Lake, Texas Amber Cole Caddo Lake Texas Amber Cole This is the Curuá-una's lake at the Amazon forest. Luana Alves Alec Batts Livelihoods are being sustained in the Nariva Swamp Ramsar Site via the protection and preservation of the various ecosytems, as well as, the facilitating of leisure and tourism. Karlene Seecharan Iaz swamp – Wetland in Salaj County, Romania , for it’s unique (for Romania) insects fauna and for several rare species of plants like the Common sundew – Drosera rotundifolia and Peat moss – Sphagnum g. Zsuzsa Dacz Weaving of papyrus products is one of the sustainable livelihood activities that women in Siaya County are engaged in. The papyrus is harvested from Yala Swamp which is one of the few remaining extensive freshwater wetland in Kenya and also designated Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA). John Mwacharo Whangamarino Ramsar Site Department of Conservation of New Zealand Alec Batts