23rd Meeting of the STRP

16 Mar - 20 Mar 2020

The 23rd meeting of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel was scheduled to take place at Secretariat headquarters in Gland, Switzerland, from Monday 16 to Friday 20 March 2020. In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Management Working Group decided to cancel the meeting. A number of virtual calls were held for each of the highest priority tasks with the working groups established at STRP22.


1. Opening statements
1.1. Chair of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP)
1.2. Secretary General of the Convention on Wetlands
2. Adoption of provisional agenda and working programme
2.1. Provisional agenda Show documents Hide documents
2.2. Provisional working programme Show documents Hide documents
3. STRP activities and progress with the STRP work plan 2019-2021
3.1. Highest priority tasks
3.2. Other tasks
4. STRP ad-hoc advisory functions
4.1. Ramsar Sites designation: criterion 6 (STRP23 Doc.4.1)
4.2. Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS): possible refinements (e.g. section 4.5 – ecosystem services) (STRP23 Doc.4.2)
5. Standing Committee requests: Wetland inventories session for the 58th Meeting of the Standing Committee (SC58) (STRP23 Doc.5)
6. Update on relevant global scientific and policy processes: IPBES and the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework
7. Communications and outreach for STRP outputs
8. Process, expected outcomes for the week and organization of working groups
9. Working groups
9.1. Wetlands and agriculture (Task 1.2) (STRP23 Doc.9.1)
9.2. Peatland rewetting/restoration (Task 2.2) (STRP23 Doc.9.2)
9.3. Wetlands and blue carbon (Task 5.1) (STRP23 Doc.9.3)
9.4. Global Wetland Outlook (GWO) (STRP23 Doc.9.4)
9.5. Ad-hoc advisory functions
10. Next steps
11. Dates and venue of the next meeting (STRP24)
12. Any other business
13. Closing remarks