Past Standing Committees
The Standing Committee was established by Resolution 3.3 in 1987. Initially there were nine Contracting Party members, seven representing the regional groupings at that time, and the other two being the Parties hosting the previous and next meetings of the COP. Resolution VII.1 (1999) introduced a proportional system, in which regional membership reflected the number of Contracting Parties in each of the six new regional groupings.
The first meeting of the current Standing Committee (SC56) elected the United Arab Emirates as its Chair and Sweden as Vice-Chair. The regional composition, functions, and responsibilities of the Standing Committee and its members are governed by Resolution XIII.4 (2018), which supersedes the former arrangements set out in Resolution VII.1 (1999) and Resolution XII.4 (2015).
Africa: Algeria, Chad, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zambia
Asia: Bhutan, Japan, Oman
Europe: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Latin America and the Caribbean: Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Uruguay
North America: Mexico
Oceania: Australia
The host country of COP14 was China (held in Geneva, Switzerland).
The permanent observers include Switzerland (as host country of the Convention Secretariat) and the six Convention on Wetlands International Organization Partners: BirdLife International, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Wetlands International, the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT), and WWF International.
The first meeting of the new Standing Committee (SC50) elected Uruguay as its Chair and Australia as Vice Chair. The composition of the Standing Committee reflected the regional proportions mandated by Resolution XII.4.
Africa: Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Senegal, Seychelles, and Tunisia
Asia: Iraq, Nepal, and Republic of Korea
Europe: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Estonia, and Romania
Latin America and the Caribbean: Colombia, Honduras and Suriname
North America: United States of America
Oceania: Australia
The host countries of COP12 and COP13: Uruguay and United Arab Emirates
The permanent observers include Switzerland (as host country of the Convention Secretariat) and the six Convention on Wetlands International Organization Partners: BirdLife International, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Wetlands International, the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT), and WWF International.
The inaugural meeting of the new Standing Committee (SC45) elected Romania as its Chair and South Africa as Vice Chair. The composition of the Standing Committee reflected the regional proportions mandated by Resolution XI.19.
Africa: Burundi, Guinea, South Africa, Tunisia
Asia: Cambodia, Republic of Korea, United Arab Emirates
Europe: Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France
Neotropics: Chile, Cuba, Guatemala
North America: Canada
Oceania: Fiji
COP11 host country: Romania
COP12 host country: Uruguay
Permanent observers (the host country of the Convention Secretariat and the five International Organization Partners): Switzerland, BirdLife International, IUCN-International Union for Conservation of Nature, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Wetlands International, WWF International
The Standing Committee at SC39 elected the Republic of Korea as Chair and Paraguay as Vice Chair. The composition of the Standing Committee reflected the regional proportions mandated by Resolution VII.1.
Africa: Cameroon, Mauritius, Nigeria, Tanzania
Asia: China, Lebanon, Thailand
Europe: Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Georgia
Neotropics: Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay
North America: Mexico
Oceania: Marshall Islands
COP10 host country: Republic of Korea
COP11 host country: Romania
Permanent observers (the host countries of the Convention Secretariat and the Wetlands of International Importance ("Ramsar Sites") Database, and the five International Organization Partners): Netherlands, Switzerland, BirdLife International, IUCN-The World Conservation Union, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Wetlands International, WWF International
The Standing Committee elected Uganda as Chair and the Bahamas as Vice Chair. The composition of the Standing Committee reflected the regional proportions mandated by Resolution VII.1.
Africa: Benin, Gabon, Kenya, and Malawi
Asia: China, Islamic Republic of Iran, and Thailand
Europe: Austria, Czech Republic, Georgia, and Slovenia
Neotropics: Bahamas, Ecuador, and El Salvador
North America: United States
Oceania: Samoa
COP9 host country: Uganda
COP10 host country: The Republic of Korea
Permanent observers: Netherlands, Switzerland, BirdLife International, IUCN-The World Conservation Union, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Wetlands International, WWF International
The new Standing Committee elected Slovenia as its Chair and the Islamic Republic of Iran as Vice-Chair. The composition of the Standing Committee reflected the regional proportions mandated by Resolution VII.1, and included one Party that would take its seat as soon as the relevant regional quota had been achieved.
Africa: Botswana, Ghana, Morocco
Asia: Indonesia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Japan
Europe: Armenia, Austria, Romania, Slovenia
Neotropics: Argentina, Nicaragua, Bahamas (Bahamas joined as soon as the Convention came into force for the 25th Party from the region)
North America: Canada
Oceania: Papua New Guinea
COP8 host country: Spain
COP9 host country: Uganda
Permanent observers: Netherlands, Switzerland, BirdLife International, IUCN-The World Conservation Union, Wetlands International, WWF International.
The Standing Committee elected Australia as Chair and Uganda as Vice Chair. Following the new proportional representation system adopted in Resolution VII.1, there were now 15 members.
Africa: Algeria, Togo, Uganda
Asia: India, Japan
Europe: Armenia, France, Norway, Slovak Republic
Neotropics: Argentina, Trinidad and Tobago
North America: Mexico
Oceania: Australia
COP7 host: Costa Rica
COP8 host: Spain
Permanent Observers: Switzerland, as host to the Secretariat; Wetlands International, which maintained the Convention Database; the Netherlands, host to Wetlands International; and IUCN-TheWorld Conservation Union, which provided administrative services for the Bureau.
The two other formal International Organization Partners were Invited Observers: WWF International and BirdLife International.
At the 18th Meeting of the Standing Committee, the new members re-elected Hungary as Chair.
The Regional Representatives for each region were:
Africa: Senegal
Asia: Malaysia
Eastern Europe: Hungary
Neotropics: Uruguay
North America: United States of America
Oceania: Papua New Guinea
Western Europe: Germany
COP6 host: Australia
COP7 host: Costa Rica
Permanent Observers: Netherlands, Switzerland, Wetlands International, IUCN-TheWorld Conservation Union
Invited Observers: WWF International, BirdLife International
Africa: Kenya (Vice-Chair)
Asia: India
Eastern Europe: Hungary (Chair)
Neotropics: Uruguay
North America: Canada
Oceania: New Zealand
Western Europe: Spain
COP5 host: Japan
COP6 host: Australia
Permanent Observers: Switzerland, United Kingdom (Bureau hosts), IUCN, the International Waterfowl & Wetlands Research Bureau (IWRB).
Africa: Tunisia
Asia: Pakistan (Vice-Chair)
Eastern Europe: Poland
Neotropics: Venezuela
North America: United States of America (Chair)
Oceania: Australia
Western Europe: Netherlands
COP4 host: Switzerland
COP5 host: Japan
Contracting Party Observers:
Norway, United Kingdom
Permanent Observers:
Africa: Tunisia
Asia: Pakistan (Chair)
Eastern Europe: Poland
Neotropics: Chile
North America: United States of America
Oceania: New Zealand
Western Europe: Netherlands
COP3 host: Canada (Vice-Chair)
COP4 host: Switzerland
Observers: United Kingdom, IUCN, IWRB