Induction for Focal Points
Under the direct authority of the AA, the National Focal Point represents the Contracting Party, coordinates national implementation, and acts as the daily contact point for the Convention for people within the country and the Secretariat of the Convention. The National Focal Point ensures that both the roles of the Administrative Authority and their specific role as a National Focal Point are fulfilled.
Roles and functions of National Focal Points
Coordinating global and regional processes
Liaise regularly with the Secretariat
The National Focal Point is the main contact for the Secretariat with a Contracting Party. The Secretariat will contact the Focal Point regularly with meeting information, implementation matters and day to day work. The Secretariat has dedicated regional teams in charge of liaising with Focal Points. You can find the regional teams and their contact here.
Coordinate the compilation and submission of national reports for each Conference of the Contracting Parties
Prior to a meeting of the Conference of the Parties, the National Focal Point of a Contracting Party coordinates the compilation of the National Report. The form is approved by the Standing Committee and the process will be shared with each Contracting Party by the Secretariat several months in advance of the deadline for submission.
Liaise with the National Focal Points of other Contracting Parties to the Convention
A National Focal Point should liaise with other Contracting Parties such as their representative on the Standing Committee to ensure that the views of all Parties are accessible to Standing Committees. Liaising with the Focal Points of neighbouring countries is also important for the designation and management of Transboundary Ramsar Sites.
Coordinating national Implementation
Help coordinate the national implementation of the Convention regarding Wetlands of International Importance
The Focal Point coordinates the designation and update of Wetlands of International Importance, and provides the Secretariat with updates on the status of impacts to the ecological character of a Wetland of International Importance (Article 3.2 and Montreux Record). Training on updating and designating Wetlands of International Importance can be found here.
Maintain Communication with the STRP and CEPA Focal Points of your government and update them on national or international progress in the implementation of the Convention
Communication between the focal points of the Convention is essential to ensure that all the actors are aware of the developments and processes of all the bodies of the Convention. Due to the continues collaboration and inputs between bodies of the Conventions, the National Focal Points should communicate the developments of the Standing Committee and COPs to the other focal points.
Work with the national Focal Points for other water and biodiversity related multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) to ensure effective and coherent implementation of all the Conventions
Due to the cross-cutting nature of the Convention, communication with fellow focal points of other relevant Conventions is essential for ensuring that the Convention is mainstreamed in other international processes, noting that the implementation of the Convention on Wetlands is directly linked to the goals and targets of other international processes. These Conventions include, but are not limited to, the CBD, UNFCCC, UNCCD, CMS, CITES, IPCC and IPBES.