STRP Webinars
STRP webinars aim to raise awareness about the different scientific and technical activities being carried by the Convention Administrative Authorities, STRP National Focal Points, the STRP and other Convention stakeholders to implement the Convention in the different Convention on Wetlands regions.
The webinars also seek to enhance interaction amongst STRP National Focal Points and Convention National Focal Points. STRP webinars can be held in any of the Convention's official languages (English, French and Spanish). Below you will find links to all the webinars that have been held so far.
- Webinar No. 9: Integrating Wetlands into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) on 19 June 2024.
- Webinar No. 8: Wetlands and Agriculture - Transformative actions for sustainable agricultural practices and the wise use of wetland on 12 and 13 July 2022.
- Webinar No. 7: Wetlands and Climate Change: Actions to protect blue carbon ecosystems and peatlands for mitigation and adaptation on 12 and 13 May 2022.
- Webinar No. 6: World Wetlands Network (WWN) Africa by Paul Ouedraogo, Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands, Senior Regional Advisor, Africa; Chris Rostron, WWN Director; and Luciano Andriamaro, Conservation International Madagascar/STRP National Focal Point, Madagascar (English) (French)
- Webinar No. 5 (13/05/14): STRP Chair Midterm Update by Royal C. Gardner, STRP Chair (English)
- Webinar No. 4 (18/02/14): Wetlands, agriculture and sustainable livelihoods in Africa by Adrian Wood, University of Huddersfield (English)
- Webinar No. 3 (24/01/14): Looking forward to the future of wetlands—a vision from the new Secretary General by Christopher Briggs, Convention on Wetlands Secretary General (English)
- Webinar No. 2 (13/09/13): Towards the sustainable planning and management of urban wetlands by Rob McInnes, Society of Wetland Scientists representative to the STRP (English)
- Webinar No. 1 (22/07/13): Plan Nacional para mejorar el Manejo de Sitios Ramsar en el Salvador/National Plan for the Improvement of Ramsar Sites Management in El Salvador by Enrique Barraza, STRP National Focal Point and National Focal Point, El Salvador (Spanish)