Wetlands for the Future
Since 1997, the Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar, Iran, 1971), the United States State Department, and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service have operated a special initiative, the Wetlands for the Future (WFF) training programme, to benefit Latin American and the Caribbean institutions and individuals through capacity building and training in the conservation and wise use of wetlands.
This initiative promotes the implementation of the concept of "wise use" of wetlands through strengthening the capacity of countries to manage their wetland resources in perpetuity and contributing to integrate wetland conservation and management with the development process. All proposed activities should be in line with the principles, recommendations and guidelines of the Convention on Wetlands.
The sponsors of WFF wish to establish partnerships with training institutions, catalyze wetland training activities currently underway or planned within the region, or complement existing training and education initiatives with wetland-related instruction.