World Wetlands Day 2005
World Wetlands theme for 2005 was "There's wealth in wetland diversity - don't lose it!".
2005 WWD theme featured the critical link between cultural and biological diversities: many of the world's wetlands owe their existence and continued vitality to cultural practices, or are conserved because of cultural needs. Thus maintenance of biological diversity in wetlands is often closely linked with the lives and beliefs of people. Of course, the other side of the coin is that people can misuse wetlands and cause loss and damage to the biological diversity - and at the same time to cultural diversity.
Featured documents
2 February 2005
World Wetlands Day 2005: Message from the Secretary General
2 February 2005
World Wetlands Day 2005 Reports: Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
2 February 2005
World Wetlands Day 2005 Reports: Viet nam
2 February 2005
World Wetlands Day 2005 Reports: Switzerland
2 February 2005
World Wetlands Day 2005 Reports: Philippines
2 February 2005
World Wetlands Day 2005 Reports: Peru
2 February 2005
World Wetlands Day 2005 Reports: Paraguay
2 February 2005