World Wetlands Day 2010
With the suggested World Wetlands Day theme for this year on wetlands, biodiversity and climate change, we arrived at our 2010 WWD slogan: Caring for wetlands – an answer to climate change.
At the end of 2009 a critical climate change meeting of the world’s leaders took place in Copenhagen, and 2010 was the International Year of Biodiversity. There is much to say at global and national levels about wetland species and ecosystems under continuing threat from unsustainable human practices, about the likely impact of climate change on wetland ecosystems, and importantly, about the role of wetlands in climate change mitigation and adaptation.
World Wetlands Day Reports
View World Wetlands Day 2010 reports from Contracting Parties.

Leaflet: Caring for wetlands


Do-it-yourself bird


Comic strip

Leaflet: Caring for wetlands (Arabic)

Bangladesh, Cartoon

Bangladesh, Leaflet

Bangladesh, Poster

Cambodia, Poster (Khmer)

Cambodia, Poster (English)

China (Hong Kong), Leaflet

China (Hong Kong), Poster

China, Poster

India, Poster (Hindi)

India, Poster (Oriyan)

Japan, Leaflet

Malaysia, Poster

Morocco, Poster

Netherlands, Leaflet

Pakistan, Poster

Philippines, Flyer

Portugal, Do-it-yourself bird

Portugal, Leaflet

Romania, Kaleidocycle

Slovakia, Poster

Slovakia, Cartoon

Slovenia, Flyer

South Africa, Poster

South Africa, Fact sheets