World Wetlands Day 2013
For WWD 2013 we joined hands with UNESCO’s International Hydrological Programme who had a lead role for the International Year of Water Cooperation, and they partnered with us in the production of our poster and leaflet. Our theme was Wetlands and water management, an area of work that has been given considerable attention by our Scientific and Technical Review Panel over many years and resulted in much helpful guidance for our member countries.

Our slogan? Wetlands take care of water, reflecting the interdependence between water and wetlands and the key role that wetlands play. Wisely using our wetlands is an essential component of the delivery of sustainable water management.
In our leaflet we paint the big picture, looking at who manages water and the many challenges from governance to transboundary, agricultural and urban water management issues, to water storage issues and water diversion schemes. Finally we take a look at what we can all do at the global, regional and local levels in ensuring that wetland ecosystems and their water are well managed for the benefit of people and wildlife.
World Wetlands Day Reports
View World Wetlands Day 2013 reports from Contracting Parties.

Leaflet: Wetlands take care of water


Message from the Secretary General

Hands-on activity

Comic strip

Leaflet: Wetlands Take Care of Water, Arabic

Leaflet: Wetlands take care of water, Russian

Bangladesh, Flyer

Leaflet, Hong Kong Wetland Park

Guatemala, Cartel

Bangladesh, Poster

Bulgaria, Poster

Cambodia, Poster

Japan, Cartoon

Mexico, Flyer

Mexico, Poster

Morocco, Web banner

Poland, Cartoon

Poster, PR China

PR China, Poster 2

Egypt, Leaflet

Georgia, Poster

Georgia, Announcement

Greece. Poster

Honduras, Poster

India, Web banner

Iraq, Banner

Japan, Poster

Madagascar, Poster

Namibia, Poster

Nicaragua, Poster

Nigeria, Poster

Oman, Poster

Oman, Banner

Peru, Poster

Portugal, Leaflet

South Africa, Billboard

Spain, Poster

Spain, Poster

Suriname, Poster

Tunisia, Poster

Turkey, Poster