World Wetlands Day 2014
In 2014, the UN International Year of Family Farming, the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands chose to focus the World Wetlands Day campaign on Wetlands and agriculture. More than 800 activities were reported, with more than 100,000 participants around the world.
Wetlands have often been seen as a barrier to agriculture, and they continue to be drained and reclaimed to make farming land available. But the essential role of wetlands in support of agriculture is becoming clearer and clearer, and there are successful agricultural practices which support healthy wetlands.
Since its inception, the production and distribution of materials for World Wetlands Day have been financially supported by the Evian Project funded by the Danone Group.
World Wetlands Day 2014: Christopher Briggs's Statement

"Wetlands and Agriculture: Partners for Growth" Leaflet

Cartoon by Seppo

Reported activities

PowerPoint Presentation

Board Game

Activities and Outreach Report


Algeria, Poster

Myanmar, Bag

China, Cartoon

China, Postcard

Colombia, Folder

Colombia, Poster

Croatia, Cartoon

France, Poster

Greece, Cartoon

Greece, Cartoon

Greece, Poster

Grenada, Poster

India, Poster

India, Poster

Iran, Poster

Iraq, Leaflet

Japan, Cartoon

Lao, Cartoon

Lao, Poster

Libya, Cartoon

Madagascar, Poster

Mexico, Banner

Portugal, Cartoon

Portugal, Game

Message from SPREP Director-General, Mr. David Sheppard

Spain, Cartoon

Spain, Poster

Slovenia, Flyer

Article by Ducks Unlimited: Conservation, ag groups join to recognize wetlands

Release by ARCOS

Infographic by Livelihoods

Message of the Executive Secretary of CBD

Infographic by IWMI

Statement by the IPPC

Communiqué de la LPO

Algeria, Leaflet/Cartoon

Japan, Leaflet

Article by the GEF: Revitalizing Ramsar wetlands in the Naghadeh Plain near Lake Urmia

World Wetlands Day 2014 Portugal Leaflet

Vidéo par la LPO

Article by IWMI, Wising up to wetlands and agriculture

Article by IWMI, Wetlands and People

Article by CGIAR, Addressing the wetland and agriculture conundrum

Article:Conservation Groups Launch "Global Freshwater Fish BioBlitz"

Article by BirdLife International: Celebrating World Wetlands Day

Article: "WWF celebrates Danube restoration projects"

Article by UNESCO-IHE: World Wetlands Day 2014 about wetlands and agriculture