Gallery 0 Resultados Close Grenadier Pond in High Park, Toronto Ontario - home to beautiful wood ducks and more <3 Lucia Salvati Tokyo Tidal Flats Yatsuhigata Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Foto retirada do encontro do mangue com as águas da ilha coroa branca localizada próximo a comunidade de Itapema. Maria José Menezes Da Silva Wetland Photography 2015 Jayde Pickworth I'm from a small but very lovely province called Marinduque which is also known as the heart of the Philippines. Jhonna Liza Medenilla Lew Young, Asesor Regional Superior para Asia, participa en las celebraciones del Día Mundial de los Humedales en Nepal Ramsar Convention Ubatuba, SP, Brazil Mariana Silva I enjoy wetland locations and love to swim. This would be a great opportunity for me. I am currently still in high school and expected to leave in the next 4 months. It would be a honor for me to explore the world at my age especially a wetland area and as a Geography CSEC student I would make the best of this trip. Taschae Lammie I'm a young self-taught Brazilian photographer passionate about photography since childhood which seeks to expose a view of more organic and harmonious world... Hélder Santana Bárbara De Jesus Frog Pond Wetland Preserve! Seaside/Monterey Calif. Emmanuel Perez Serra do Cipó - MG. Cachoeira com águas brandas coloca à mostra as plantas agregadas. Araújo Mércia Dojran Lake. Damjan Georgievski Mark Smith, IUCN, Ramsar International Organization Partner with Guy Ryder UN-Water Chair and Director GeneraI International Labour Organization at the reception to celebrate World Wetlands Day at the Geneva Ramsar Convention At Lake Kolon protected species breed in the heron colony, such as the Black-crowned Night Heron or the Pygmy Cormorant. Edina Morvai Por la tarde las aves vienen a platicar entre ellas a la Mintzita Ricardo Enrique Núñez Ramírez The three pictures represent landscapes and wildlife of my state, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The photos were taken by me, in the Ecological Reserve Guapiaçu a place where we can clearly see the importance of preserving wetlands. Sara Saturnino Camilla Chalmers Ramsar Secretariat receives a painting of Dorgeh Sangi Ramsar Site Iran Ramsar Convention Conservation work in Geel Bel, Belgium. Carole Moncoquet Fotografía tomada en la Ciudad de Villa Ocampo-Santa Fe, el sitio Ramsar Jaaukanigás (gente de agua). Este lugar Tiene una superficie de 492 000ha. Limita al norte con el paralelo 28° -límite entre las provincias de Chaco y Santa Fe, y límite sur del sitio Ramsar Humedales Chaco-; al oeste con la Ruta Provincial 1 y la Ruta Nacional 11; al sur con el arroyo Malabrigo; y al este con el canal de navegación del río Paraná, límite entre las provincias de Corrientes y Santa Fe. Thompson Agostina Luz Rio Preguiças, Maranhão, Brasil. Maria Costa Celebrating world wetlands day in lorestan province. This meeting held in decumple wetlands in poldokhtar area. Participators were members of network of environmental NGOS ‘yungs students’ local communities’ and government agencies. they wisited Wetlands and environs them. They also participated I-day trining workshop as “ wetlands values and functions†include:biodiversity’ resources sustainability and usage of local Communities. then they presented in birth watching . Alvandian Baharak My photos are of the Wakapuaka Wildlife Reserve, a community conservation project and the connected estuary called Nelson Haven. The reserve has been established to recreate a unique wetland area on the outskirts on Nelson City. This beautiful Wetland area is separated from the Tasman Bay and the mountains of Kahurangi National Park by a 13km boulder bank stretching from Mackay Bluff to the Cut of Nelson Harbour. The people of Nelson are beginning to realise the importance of wetlands as an integral part of their natural environment. They hope by recreating wetlands it will help protect the haven, wider environment and the wildlife that inhabits these spaces. Gracie Lewis Cabo Polonio National Park Charlie Waite Visit to Lake Hinuma Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Successful restoration of the Atlantic Forest is an invitation to life Henrique Da Silva Leonardo Sharif Dana