Gallery 0 Résultats Reset All Close Gavkhouni Lake and marshes of the lower Zaindeh Rud Ramsar Site, Iran Women focal group discussion at the Xe Champhone Ramsar Site Anushae Parakh Trappola Marshland - Ombrone River Mouth Giuseppe Anselmi 2012 Zhaling Lake Ramsar Site He Youfu Zhaling Lake Ramsar Site Ma Shenglu A Ramsar Site of International Importance, the wetland on the edge of the Inner Deep Bay is an important stop-off point for migrating water birds on the flyway between New Zealand and Siberia as they move north and south for the summer and winter. Paul Steyn Paul Steyn The unique balance between people and nature at Mai Po seems to be working, but the slow march of urbanization in Hong Kong and China represents one of the largest threats to the wetland. Paul Steyn Kut Ting Marshland Ramsar Site in Thailand Lew Young It was named “Elephant Marsh” by the explorer David Livingstone in 1859, who counted as many as 800 elephants in one sighting. Nowadays the elephants are largely gone, but the Site supports over 20,000 waterbirds. Elephant Marsh Ramsar Site plays an important role in maintaining the valley’s hydrological regime, through flood control, water storage and supply of nutrient-rich sediment. Katherine Forsythe Hawizeh Marsh Ramsar Site, a transboundary wetland, part of the Mesopotamian marshlands complex centered at the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the marshes are ca.75-80% located in Iraq with the remaining area extending into the Islamic Republic of Iran. Ramsar Convention Bolle di Magadino - 20150301 Giulia Guldimann Agusan marsh, where mostly ethnic Manobos have made their permanent homes deep within the marsh. The marsh provides virtually everything the Manobos need. In the dark tea-colored waters live untold numbers of catfish, carp, soft-shell fresh water turtles, and crocodiles. Paula Sophia Tejada Lago do Rio Curiaú, Estado do Amapá, Brasil. Oliveira Drielly Libertad que les dan las alas para ir tan lejos como quieran. Este es el humedal Videles ubicado en el departamento del Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Juan Sebastian Bermudez Salcedo humedales corregimiento lorica nariño palo de agua Bleiner David Avila PekaPeka Wetland, Hastings. Matt Flower Pekapeka Wetlands in Hastings, New Zealand. Floyd Pepper Estonia wetland Merlin Grosberg Young moose in Biebrza National Park, Poland Długosz Grzegorz The whio or blue duck is only found in New Zealand. There are less that 3000 left in NZ, so everyone counts! Tara Swan Wetland Photography 2015 Jayde Pickworth Conservation work in Geel Bel, Belgium. Carole Moncoquet My photos are of the Wakapuaka Wildlife Reserve, a community conservation project and the connected estuary called Nelson Haven. The reserve has been established to recreate a unique wetland area on the outskirts on Nelson City. This beautiful Wetland area is separated from the Tasman Bay and the mountains of Kahurangi National Park by a 13km boulder bank stretching from Mackay Bluff to the Cut of Nelson Harbour. The people of Nelson are beginning to realise the importance of wetlands as an integral part of their natural environment. They hope by recreating wetlands it will help protect the haven, wider environment and the wildlife that inhabits these spaces. Gracie Lewis Researchers in wetlands of southern Brazil Débora Knauth Itatiaia`s National Park , a very important area , also known as the "pallace of waters " because of more than 80 river sources found there. This picture shows one of many small wetlands in the park , located in front of prateleira´s pick , one of most famous mountains in Brazil. Pedro Graminha