Gallery 0 Résultats Reset All Close Sporovsky peatland reserve & Ramsar Site is Europe's largest pristine peatland, and one of the target sites of project activities in Belarus. UNDP Plantations on burnt and drained peatlands in the coastal area are exposed to subsidence and increased flooding Tobias Salathé Drained and burnt peatland area in the buffer zone of the Berbak National Park Tobias Salathé Kakerdaja peat bog, Kõrvemaa Nature Reserve, Estonia. Peatlands store twice more carbon than all the forests which helps mitigate climate change. Diana Elisa Experimental paludiculture plots to restore formerly drained and mined peatlands in the Danish Ramsar Site 2166 Lille Vildmose Tobias Salathé Ngiri-Tumba-Maindombe Ramsar Site is located around Lake Tumba in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The transboundary area containing one of the huge African carbon sinks through its peatland soils. Le 5 Février 2016 dans la tourbière du Longeyroux au sein du Parc Naturel Régional de Millevaches, en Corrèze. Promenade dans la zone humide, sensibilisation sur les usages des tourbières et sur les espèces endémiques. Thomas HARDY