Sustainable Management of Critical Wetlands Ecosystems (GEF Project) in Gabon

15 juillet 2017

The Sustainable Management of Critical Wetlands Ecosystems Project is focused on the following Ramsar Sites:

These Sites were selected based on: (i) the importance of wetland ecosystem services for local populations (including for climate change adaptation and mitigation); (ii) the threats to the wetland ecosystems from competing land uses (forestry, mining, agriculture); and (iii) conservation initiatives already undertaken at the sites.

The workshop took place in Libreville, Gabon, from 6 to 15 July 2017. Ramsar Senior Advisor for Africa, Paul Ouédraogo, provided a technical advice including the evaluation of the Project 2015 and 2016 reports and several technical reports in order to develop the ToRs of the mid-term review. Training of trainers was organized on how to ecologically assess wetlands and economically valuate their resources. A few technical proposals were contributed to the project team, the Minister and the National Agency of National Parks.