Gallery 0 Results Close Lake and Sea. Anna Carolina Russi The beautiful Garda Lake at sunset. Giada Padovani Buti river, Italy Mirko De Martino Voando sobre as áreas úmidas do Córrego do Zezão em Ivinhema, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Fernanda Soares Junglos Caranguejo passeando entre as raízes dos mangues. Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso, São Paulo, Brasil. Viesba Leticia Ramsar City, NGOs, Primary school children, Womens Groups Event to celebrate World Wetlands Day Ramsar Convention Picture taken in the Gallocanta (Aragon, Spain). This lake is the largest natural lake in the Iberian Peninsula and the largest saltwater lagoon in Europe, standing out for their concentrations of Common Crane, which makes this one of the largest lagoon in Europe as habitat for this species. Gallocanta Lake with its lights, wildlife and sunsets is a perfect place for photographers and nature lovers. Fotografía tomada en la Laguna de Gallocanta (Aragon, España). Esta laguna es la mayor laguna natural de la península ibérica y la mayor laguna de agua salada de Europa, destacándose por sus concentraciones de Grulla común, que hacen de esta laguna uno de los mayores dormideros de Europa para dicha especie. La laguna de Gallocanta con sus luces, fauna y atardeceres se consolida como un perfecto escenario para fotógrafos y amantes de la naturaleza. Agustín Catalán Gracia Rich in diversity, where many species are born, contrasting the mud, which give rise to a range of individuals and colors which is supporting our local population. Bragança-Pará Fábio Silva View of Crater Lake ,OR Alejandra Lozada Libertad que les dan las alas para ir tan lejos como quieran. Este es el humedal Videles ubicado en el departamento del Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Juan Sebastian Bermudez Salcedo Mora Martínez Gina Marcela Paramo fuente de vida Juan Antonio Ocampo humedales corregimiento lorica nariño palo de agua Bleiner David Avila Owl at the Laguna Rocha Ramsar Site Charlie Waite Messolonghi, Greece Katerina Kousouri Lagoa do Paraíso, Jijoca de Jericoacoara, Ceará, Brasil. Etnan Sousa PekaPeka Wetland, Hastings. Matt Flower Viru Raba, Estonia Karolin Köster Manguezais na Baía de Guaratuba no Litora do Paraná, Brasil. Fernanda Sezerino Sea-Urban life Daniela Draganova Rio Uruguay Charlie Waite Tai Wetland Katie Hammond A couple of oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) photographed in one of the beaches of the Albufera Natural Park. Una pareja de ostreros (Haematepus ostralegus) Fotografiada en una de las playas del Parque Natural de la Albufera. Guillermo García Ruiz White Ibis in Bald Head Creek, NC Anderson Tran Humedal Danapure, Liceo Taller San Miguel. Pereira. Nicolas Villalba Saray Santos - SP - Brasil Ana Julia Lemes FISH SANCTUARY. Marine protected and reserve zones established and managed by the local government unit of Virac in collaboration with the Office of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources to serve as a breeding ground of endangered and threatened aquatic species as well as to regulate indiscriminate fishing activities to maintain a sound ecological balance, protecting and enhancing the quality of the environment within the coastal barangays of Magnesia del Sur, Magnesia del Norte, Marilima and Batag, all of Virac, Catanduanes. Karen Ailene Benavidez