The Nagao Wetland Fund
In 2016 the Nagao Natural Environment Foundation (NEF) in Japan made a generous voluntary donation to establish the Nagao Wetland Fund (NWF), to be administered by the Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands.

The NWF is intended to help local governments, researchers, non-governmental organizations and local communities of developing countries in the Asia and Oceania regions to implement the Convention on Wetlands, and in particular the goals and targets of the Convention's Strategic Plan 2016-2024.
The NWF prioritizes projects concerning the conservation, restoration and wise use of wetlands, including communications, education and awareness, and also training for park rangers and staff working in wetland education centres.

Each year funds up to 30,000 USD maximum may be provided to each approved project. However, as funds under NWF are limited, the total number of projects that are granted funding each year will depend on the quantity, quality, and proposed budget of the projects. Only one project per country per year can be approved for funding.
The support is not intended to replace the much more substantial levels of funding which most developing countries and countries in transition need to access if they are to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of their wetland resources.
The call for proposals for 2025 is now open. We invite you to submit your proposal during this cycle. Please refer to the Standard Operational Guidelines (2025) for further information.
Local governments, researchers, non-governmental organizations and local communities of the countries listed on Section 3 “Target Countries and regions” on this link and Contracting Parties in Central and West Asia included in the DAC List available here. Proposed projects should be identified as a national priority by the Contracting Party in the implementation of the Convention’s Strategic Plan 2016-2024.
For more information about the PROPOSAL SUBMISSION CLICK HERE.
Please contact the Wetland Finance Support Officer (lee@ramsar.org) for more information and guidelines.
Develop a method for utilizing remote sensing and GIS technology to manage wetland ecosystems — a study case in the Melaleuca forest ecosystem in U Minh Thuong Ramsar, Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Project Proponent: Central Institute for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (CRES), Vietnam National University, Hanoi
Preserving Tajikistan’s wetland ecosystems: Advocating for recognition and sustainable management
Project Proponent: PO Youth Group on Protection of Environment
Securing Beru Natural Resources: Conservation of Beru Swamp for Community and Island Resilience
Project Proponent: Environment and Conservation Division (ECD), Ministry of Environment, Lands &Agricultural Development (MELAD)
Habitat Suitability Analysis of Critically Endangered Bengal Florican Bird using Community-Focused Approach
Project Proponent: Geotech Engineering Space Pvt. Ltd.
Conserving Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge of Edible Freshwater Algae in Two Ramsar Wetlands in Thailand
Project Proponent: Chiang Mai University
Empowering government rangers and local community for Stung Sen Ramsar Site Management, Cambodia
Project Proponent: NatureLifeCambodia
Preparation of Basin Level Integrated Site Plan of Gosainkunda and Associated Lakes
Project Proponent: Conservation Development Foundation (CODEFUND)
Support the breeding colony of declining Dalmatian Pelican at Khar Us Lake in western Mongolia through building artificial platforms
Proponent: Mongolian Bird Conservation Center
Enhancing the conservation and wise use of Vaipu Swamp Forests in Samoa
Proponent: Forestry Division, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Viet Nam
Review the current status of policies and laws and propose new policies to encourage the conservation of wetland biodiversity in the community and private sector in Vietnam
Proponent: Agency for Nature and Biodiversity Conservation, Vietnam Environment Administration within the Ministry of Nature Resources and Environment
Enhancing the conservation and wise use of Anlung Pring Protected Landscape in Cambodia
Proponent: Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT)
Conserving peat swamp forest in Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu: Ecological assessment for establishing knowledge and management recommendations
Proponent: WWF-Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia Terrestrial Conservation Programme)
Papua New Guinea
Awareness on the Lake Kutubu Ramsar Site and Wetlands
Proponent: Lake Kutubu Environment Foundation Inc.
Active, Clean and Bountiful Rivers: The Wetlands BioBlitz
Proponent: Society for the Conservation of Philippine Wetlands, Inc.
Sri Lanka
Application of IUCN Red List of Ecosystems of Categories and Criteria to Mangrove ecosystem of Wilpattu Ramsar Site
Proponent: Environmental Foundation (Guarantee) Limited

The Construction of Canal Blocking (Tabat) in Tanjung Puting National Park
Proponent: Tanjung Puting National Park
Conserving Irrawaddy Dolphins at the Rajang-Belawai Delta Wetlands
Proponent: WWF-Malaysia (Sarawak Conservation Program)
Marshall Islands
Listing of Lib Island in the Republic of the Marshall Islands as its third Wetland of International Importance
Proponent: Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)
Promoting wise use of Lake Letas Community Conservation Area, a proposed Ramsar Site on Gaua Island, Vanuatu, through community-based ecotourism development
Proponent: Eco-Lifelihood Development Association Inc.
Conservation through improving the cooperation of local people, stakeholders, fisher man and the tour companies of Ogii lake Ramsar Site in Mongolia
Proponent: Mongolian Bird Conservation Center