Award for Wise Use

Mr Masayuki Kurechi, Board Member of Ramsar Network Japan is recognized for his long-term commitment to the Asian-Australasian flyways and conservation of migratory birds, which has helped to restore endangered bird species.
Mr Kurechi has committed to supporting the conservation of migratory birds that live and breed in wetlands for more than 40 years. Working with researchers from the United States and Russia, he has helped to restore multiple endangered bird species. Thanks to his efforts, some species have started migrating back to Japan, after ceasing to do so. His recent work focuses on conservation efforts along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway.
In addition, Mr Kurechi is commended for his contribution to reconciling agriculture with sustainable wetland practices. He was instrumental as one of the key members of the drafting group in the adoption of Resolution X.31 on Enhancing biodiversity in rice paddies as wetland systems at the tenth Conference of the Parties of the Ramsar Convention held in Changwon, Republic of Korea in 2008. This Resolution acknowledged rice paddies as important wetland ecosystems and is contributing to mainstreaming of biodiversity conservation via agricultural practices. Mr. Kurechi has also supported the implementation of Resolution X.31 via his devoted efforts to enhance biodiversity in rice paddies, especially at the Kabukuri-numa Ramsar Site in northern Japan.