Merit Award

Mr Jérôme Bignon, chair of the Association Ramsar France, is recognized for his dedicated and long-term contribution in various roles by championing laws that improve the conservation of wetlands in France.
Mr Bignon has worked all his life for the preservation of natural areas, particularly marine, coastal and wetland environments. As an elected official in his local area, the Somme and the Picardy region in the north of France, he worked through his many local mandates (mayor, departmental councillor, regional councillor) to ensure that these ecosystems were considered.
Mr Bignon defended his convictions about the conservation of wetlands nationally, as a long-time member of the National Assembly and then of the Senate, in particular by contributing to the law of 14 April 2006 on national parks and as the rapporteur for the law of 8 August 2016 on the restoration of biodiversity.
In addition, Mr. Bignon with his colleague, Mrs Frédérique Tuffnell, drafted the report Terres d'eau, terres d'avenir: Faire de nos zones humides des territoires pionniers de la transition écologique (Land of water, land of the future: Making our wetlands pioneers of the ecological transition) submitted to the Prime Minister of France on World Wetlands Day 2019.
He remains committed even while in retirement, continuing to raise awareness about wetlands among elected officials as well as citizens and has served as the chair of the Association Ramsar France since it was established.
The Merit Award recognizes long-term contribution or commitment to the conservation and wise use of wetlands and to Ramsar principles.