19ª Reunión del GECT
2 Nov - 6 Nov 2015
La 19ª reunión del Grupo de Examen Científico y Técnico se celebrará en la sede de la Secretaría de Ramsar, en Gland, Suiza, del lunes 02 al viernes 06 de noviembre del 2015.
Featured documents
21 Diciembre 2015
Report of the 19th Meeting of the STRP (STRP19)
27 Octubre 2015
STRP19-01: Agenda Rev.1
30 Octubre 2015
STRP19-02: Correlation of COP12 Resolutions requests, Fourth Ramsar Strategic Plan targets and indicators with STRP Thematic Work Areas and existing literature [new document]
26 Octubre 2015
STRP19-03: STRP Thematic Work Areas Literature Review
30 Octubre 2015
STRP19-04: Scientific and Technical Review Panel literature review gap analysis [new document]
13 Julio 2012
STRP19-05: Summary of relevant Recommendations from the Resolution XI.16 Review on Scientific and Technical Guidance [new document]
27 Octubre 2015
STRP19-06: Briefing Note 7 on State of the World’s Wetlands and their Services to People: A compilation of recent analyses
27 Octubre 2015
STRP19-07: Resolution XII.5: Proposed new framework for delivery of scientific and technical advice and guidance on the Convention
27 Octubre 2015
STRP19-08: Resolution XII.2: The Ramsar Strategic Plan 2016-2024
2 Noviembre 2015
STRP 19 Agenda item 04.1: Presentation - The Ramsar Convention and its processes
2 Noviembre 2015
STRP 19 Agenda item 04.1: Presentation - The STRP and the Ramsar Convention
2 Noviembre 2015
STRP 19 Agenda item 04.2: Presentation - STRP Overview
2 Noviembre 2015
STRP 19 Agenda item 04.3: Presentation - The CEPA Programme and its relationship with the STRP
2 Noviembre 2015
STRP 19 Agenda item 04.4: Presentation - Scientific and technical support for Ramsar implementation in Asia-Oceania
2 Noviembre 2015
STRP 19 Agenda item 04.4: Presentation - Regional consultation on the proposed New Framework for delivery of scientific and technical advice and guidance on the Convention, Africa
2 Noviembre 2015
STRP 19 Agenda item 04.4: Presentation - European priorities
2 Noviembre 2015