Gallery 0 Résultats Reset All Close Wetland Perebrody, Rivnenska region, Ukraine Molchanovych Vasyl Loktak lake is located near Moirang in Manipur state. It is about one hour drive from Imphal. This lake is famous for the so called "Phumdis" floating over it. Keibul Lamjoa National Park, which the the world's only floating nationl park floats over this lake. This lake plays an important role in the economy of Manipur. The lake is also a source of livelihood for the rural fishermen who live in the surrounding areas Tshering Zam The view from Oddballs camp on Chief's Island in the Moremi Game Reserve. We were about to head out on a mokoro (canoe) trip. Larry Swatuk Wetland being used as a mode of transportation, Rishav Adhikari Tusa – Barcau Landscape Reserve – Barcau’s Spring, Wetland in Salaj County, Romania Kristina Stanescu ali rostami This is a wetland is located in Turkey-Bolu. The tree leaves become more colourful when spring comes Ozge Ucoluk Sørkjosleira Nature reserve and Ramsar Site. Owerlooking the mudflats, the fjord and the distant mountains Arild Endal A foto 'O Pescar' mostra o homem sertanejo dentro d'água em uma lagoa realizando a atividade da pesca como atividade prazerosa e para o consumo da família, realizando-a de formar sustentável, sem agredir o meio. Renan Santos This is a picture of the Mouth of the São Francisco, one of the most important rivers in Brazil. The little fisher man market is a mitigation measure created by the government for the fishermen community that used to live on the beach near the São Francisco's Mouth, the place is now flooded because of the construction of an electric power dam and the people there lost their houses and their way of making a living was also affected. Now, besides the fishing, they have this little market where they sell handcrafted gifts and homemade snacks and sweets. Lucas Campos Livelihoods are being sustained in the Nariva Swamp Ramsar Site via the protection and preservation of the various ecosytems, as well as, the facilitating of leisure and tourism. Karlene Seecharan Utilisation de la zone humide La zone humide est utiliser pour fournir aux habitants de la ville de Bukavu les poissons appellent communément appellent sambaza (limnotricia myondom) et permet à cette population de voyager travers ce milieu pour aller à Goma ville de la province du Nord -Kivu.Conservation Ce milieu aide le monde entier pour réduire le réchauffement climatique, par contre ce milieu est male gérer par la population de la ville de Bukavu parce que on y jette les déchets de toutes sortes et ses déchets contribuent sur la mortalité élevée des poissons par conséquent s’amène une crise dans la ville de Bukavu.Mode de vie La population de la ville de Bukavu vivent grâce à la production de fretins(sambaza) et presque la moitié de l’une de ces trois commune qu’on trouvent dans la ville de Bukavu vive grâce à cette d’eau qu’ils utilisent pour la boissons(eau vive)et utilisation ménagères. Bonnet Freddy chibalonza Photo prise à la réserve ornithologique du Teich, figurant une grande aigrette en premier plan, et l'usine de traitement de la cellulose du pin (Smurfit Kappa) en fond. Ce contraste entre la blancheur de l'oiseau et la fumée grise de l'usine rappelle l'importance de la protection de la nature et le fragile équilibre existant dans la réserve. Lucille Guillomo Fotografía que resalta los humedales Altoandinos, denominados locamente como Bofedales, del Parque Nacional Sajama. En la región prestan importantes e insustituibles servicios ecosistémicos, como ser: provisión de agua dulce, provisión de forraje, regulación de regímenes hidrológicos y hábitat de biodiversidad, entre otros. Irina Cabrerizo Suaznabar Fisherman on the source of river Nile, trying to catch the fish so that he can feed his family. Bikram Thapa Magar The Danube Delta andrei marin “Libon Lged ne Keteng Sebu!” These clams (“Keteng”) are very abundant in Lake Sebu’s lakes and rivers. Tboli people usually dig these clams to cook it, which by the way is very delicious, and of course to sell it to gain income. Even then, Tboli tribe has been finding these clams from below the mud flats where they live with the use of “salaf” (a net) and the generous Lake continues to provide it along with its other richness! Darlene Pearl Ofong Wetland Perebrody, Rivnenska region, Ukraine Molchanovych Vasyl Iaz swamp – Wetland in Salaj County, Romania , for it’s unique (for Romania) insects fauna and for several rare species of plants like the Common sundew – Drosera rotundifolia and Peat moss – Sphagnum g. Zsuzsa Dacz This photo was made after a big rain that wet the Itaunas village in Barra da Conceição locality in the Holy Spirit. Not only fish and reptiles depend on a humid environment, but also all living beings. Hugo Rogerio Bastos dos Anjos Humedal localizado dentro del Parque Nacional Natural los nevados, en la cordillera Central de Colombia. El complejo se abastecen de agua a más de medio millón de colombianos. Su importancia,es elevada, para el ser humano y la naturaleza. Karol Fernanda Montoya D Photo made on the banks of the river "Volga" in Zelenodolsk region of Tatarstan. This river is very important for the locals. Samat Mindubaev Aquatic plants in the magical light of sunset in Capibaribe river. Hélder Santana Twenty thousand lake ( Bis Hajari Lake) situated inside the Chitwan National Park , Nepal. It is registered in World Wetland Site( Ramsar site) in the habitat of many aquatic plants and animals. Gharials and other reptiles are found here. It is also the source of water to Khageri irrigation project which irrigate most of the part of western site of Chitwan. many organisation and local bodies are working for protecting the site. Upakar Bhandari this photo has taken in CHOGHAKHOR WETLAND.every creature of god, uses this wetland. babak mehrafshar This wetland is located in Germany. It is really beautiful place. Ozge Ucoluk World wetland day.Sørkjosleira nature reserve and Ramsar cite on 2. february. Arild Endal