
Criterion 2 explained: How Wetlands of International Importance support vulnerable and endangered species

13 June 2024

This is the second in a series of monthly articles that will take a closer look at the nine criteria for designating a Wetland of International Importance (‘Ramsar Site’).

Few ecosystems conserve biodiversity like wetlands do. When it comes to hundreds of at-risk species and ecological communities, the health of wetlands can mean the difference between life and death. Today 25% of wetland species are threatened with extinction, including water birds, freshwater-dependent mammals, marine turtles, and coral reef-building species.

Among the criteria set by the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands for inclusion as a Wetland of International Importance, Criterion 2 focuses on the plants and animals that make wetlands their home. This criterion states that a wetland should be considered internationally important if it supports vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered species on a country's national endangered species legislation, international frameworks such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) or Appendix I of the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS). 

Wetlands that meet this criterion are often home to species that have very specific habitat requirements. Protecting these wetlands ensures their survival and helps promote biodiversity.

Preventing biodiversity loss and species extinction

Saving animals on the Red List is crucial for maintaining the delicate balance of wetland ecosystems. Criterion 2 Wetlands are home to numerous bird species, such as the critically endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper, and fish species like the European Eel, which are essential for cycling nutrients and maintaining water quality. Additionally, animals like the endangered pygmy hippopotamus contribute to the health of wetland vegetation by grazing, which helps prevent overgrowth.

Everglades National Park in the United States of America, for instance, is home to the endangered American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) and the endangered Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi). The Everglades wetland ecosystem supports a complex web of life, including many species that rely on its freshwater sloughs, marshes, and mangroves. The American crocodile and the Florida panther are predators that help to maintain ecosystem health by controlling the population of other species.

Wetlands supporting endangered species often play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance; the loss of these habitats could disrupt entire ecosystems. 

The Danube Delta, spanning Romania and Ukraine, is another refuge for endangered species like the Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus). Its vast reed beds, lakes, and channels form one of the most biodiverse areas in Europe. The Dalmatian pelican is an indicator species, meaning its presence reflects the health of the wetland ecosystem—protecting them helps preserve other species as well.

Resilient wetlands lead to resilient populations 

Wetland species play irreplaceable roles in their ecosystems; birds often control insect populations, fish contribute to nutrient distribution, and mammals shape the physical environment. Their loss can lead to the collapse of food chains, increased disease, and the overgrowth of invasive plant species, disrupting the habitat for all species living there. Wetlands ecosystems that are stable and resilient allow all species to thrive in a balanced and healthy environment. 

Keoladeo National Park in India is a bird sanctuary whose wetlands support endangered species including the Siberian crane (Grus leucogeranus) and the greater adjutant (Leptoptilos dubius). The Siberian crane is critically endangered and depends on wetland marshes for wintering grounds. Its presence highlights the Site’s importance as a stopover for migratory birds, providing essential feeding and breeding grounds. The critically endangered greater adjutant also relies on this habitat for its survival, which as a scavenger, helps to maintain the area’s ecological balance by consuming carcasses.

Hope for thriving wetland ecosystems

Hundreds of wetlands worldwide meet the requirements of Criterion 2 by supporting species and ecological communities at risk of extinction. Protecting these areas is important for biodiversity conservation, ecological balance, and the provision of essential ecosystem services. 

Sites like Everglades National Park, the Danube Delta, and Keoladeo National Park show the global importance of wetlands and also provide valuable opportunities for scientific research and monitoring. By studying these Wetlands of International Importance, scientists can gain insights into the needs and behaviours of endangered species, pushing broader conservation efforts and offering a better chance of long-term survival.