15th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties

Victoria Falls Zimbabwe

23 Jul - 31 Jul 2025

The 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP15) will take place from 23 to 31 July 2025 in Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe).



Representatives of Contracting Parties and approved observers can register here.


Information for participants

For additional details, please see here


New observer bodies or agencies

Bodies or agencies desiring to receive recognition as observers for the purposes of attending the meetings of the Conference of the Contracting Parties shall submit appropriate documentation to the Secretariat (cop15@ramsar.org) for consideration three months prior to the meeting, that is, by 23 April 2025:

  • constitution of the organization;
  • name and contact of the CEO; and
  • qualification in fields relating to the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands.


Side events

Applications to host a side event at COP15 should be submitted by 31 March 2025 at https://contacts.ramsar.org/cop15-sideevent-request.

Information on side event logistics, including assigned times, dates and the catering contact, will be shared with side event organizers at a later date.



For exhibition space bookings, please visit the COP15 Host Country website: https://wetlandscop15.gov.zw/service/exhibition/.

Please note that bookings are open until 1 May 2025.


1 Opening of the meeting
1.1 Opening statements (no document)
Procedural matters
3 Election of the President and Vice-Presidents and remarks by the President (no document)
3 Adoption of the provisional agenda and working programme
3.1 Provisional agenda Show documents Hide documents
3.2 Provisional working programme (document COP15 Doc.3.2)
4 Adoption of the Rules of Procedure (document COP15 Doc.4)
5 Appointment of the Credentials Committee and any other committees (no document)
6 Admission of observers (document COP15 Doc.6)
Administrative matters
7 Report of the Chair of the Standing Committee (document COP15 Doc.7)
8 Report of the Secretary General on the implementation of the Convention
8.1 Global implementation (document COP15 Doc.8.1)
8.2 Work of the Secretariat (document COP15 Doc.8.2)
9 Report of the Secretariat pursuant to Article 8.2 on the List of Wetlands of International Importance (document COP15 Doc.9 )
10 Report of the Chair of the CEPA Oversight Panel on implementation of the CEPA Programme 2016-2024 (document COP15 Doc.10)
11 Report of the Chair of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) (document COP15 Doc.11)
12 Report of the Secretariat on the Ramsar Regional Initiatives (document COP15 Doc.12)
13 Report of the Secretariat on enhancing decision-making procedures and maintaining effective operation of the Convention during exceptional circumstances (document COP15 Doc.13)
14 Report of the Secretariat on assessment of progress on wetland restoration (document COP15 Doc.14)
15 Report of the Secretariat on opportunities to further strengthen the Convention’s contribution to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (document COP15 Doc.15)
16 Report of the Secretariat on the implementation of Resolution XIV.20 (document COP15 Doc.16)
17 Report of the Secretariat on administrative and financial implications of draft resolutions (document COP15 Doc.17)
18 Financial report for 2023-2025 of the Chair of the Subgroup on Finance of the Standing Committee, and proposed budget for the 2026-2028 triennium (document COP15 Doc.18)
19 Election of Contracting Parties to the Standing Committee for 2025-2028 (no document)
20 Wetland City Accreditation: Presentation of certificates (no document)
21 Ramsar Awards ceremony (no document)
Draft resolutions
22 Consolidation of existing Resolutions
22.1 Consolidated Resolution on assessment of wetland values and services (document COP15 Doc.22.1)
22.2 Consolidated Resolution on water, water-related and water-management-related matters (document COP15 Doc.22.2)
22.3 Consolidated Resolution on inventories (document COP15 Doc.22.3)
23 Consideration of the draft resolutions and recommendations submitted by Contracting Parties and the Standing Committee
23.1 Draft resolution on financial and budgetary matters (document COP15 Doc.23.1)
23.2 Draft resolution on the responsibilities, roles and composition of the Standing Committee and regional categorization of countries under the Convention on Wetlands (document COP15 Doc.23.2)
23.3 Draft resolution on the Strategic Plan of the Convention on Wetlands 2025-2034 (document COP15 Doc.23.3)
23.4 Draft resolution on enhancing the Convention’s visibility and synergies with other multilateral environmental agreements and other international institutions (document COP15 Doc.23.4)
23.5 Draft resolution on Ramsar Regional Initiatives (document COP15 Doc.23.5)
23.6 Draft resolution on CEPA (document COP15 Doc.23.6)
23.7 Draft resolution on the status of Sites in the List of Wetlands of International Importance (document COP15 Doc.23.7)
23.8 Draft resolution on the process for recruiting a new Secretary General (document COP15 Doc.23.8)
23.9 Draft resolution on implementing the institutional strengthening of the Convention on Wetlands (document COP15 Doc.23.9)
23.10 Draft resolution on future implementation of scientific and technical aspects of the Convention 2025-2028 (document COP15 Doc.23.10)
23.11 Draft resolution on establishment of the Waterbird Estimates Partnership and delivery of the 2027 edition of Waterbird Population Estimates (document COP15 Doc.23.11)
23.12 Draft resolution on application of Criteria 6 and 9 to new and existing Wetlands of International Importance (document COP15 Doc.23.12)
23.13 Draft resolution on [updates to] Ramsar Information Sheets (document COP15 Doc.23.13)
23.14 Draft resolution on strengthening action on culture and wetlands (document COP15 Doc.23.14)
23.15 Draft resolution on restoration of degraded freshwater ecosystems to support ecological character biodiversity and ecosystem services (document COP15 Doc.23.15)
23.16 Draft resolution on strengthening national actions for the conservation and restoration of waterbird flyways (document COP15 Doc.23.16)
23.17 Draft resolution on promoting incorporation of new technology and traditional knowledge in wetland conservation, restoration, management, and wise use (document COP15 Doc.23.17)
23.18 Draft resolution on achieving the equitable governance and effective conservation of wetlands as protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) (document COP15 Doc.23.18)
23.19 Draft resolution on youth empowerment and integration: driving engagement in and the longevity of the Convention on Wetlands (document COP15 Doc.23.19)
23.20 Draft resolution on promoting sustainable lifestyles for the wise use of wetlands (document COP15 Doc.23.20)
23.21 Draft resolution on recognition of river dolphins as key species for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands in South America and Asia (document COP15 Doc.23.21)
23.22 Draft resolution on education and participation as a basis for the management of urban and peri-urban wetlands (document COP15 Doc.23.22)
23.23 Draft resolution on assessing pressures on and risks to wetlands (document COP15 Doc.23.23)
23.24 Amended draft resolution on the Ramsar List (document COP15 Doc.23.24)
23.25 Draft resolution on thanks to the host country, the Republic of Zimbabwe (document COP15 Doc.23.25)
Procedural matters
24 Report of the Credentials Committee (document COP15 Doc.24)
25 Date and venue of the next ordinary meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (no document)
26 Any other business (no document)
27 Adoption of the report of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (no document)
28 Close of the meeting (no document)