Previous World Wetland Days Since 1997, the Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands has provided outreach materials to help raise public awareness about the importance and value of wetlands. Previous World Wetland days 2023: Wetland Restoration 2022: Wetlands Action for People and Nature 2021: Water and Wetlands 2020: Wetlands & Biodiversity 2019: Wetlands and Climate Change 2018: Wetlands for a sustainable urban future 2017: Wetlands for Disaster Risk Reduction 2016: Wetlands for our Future: Sustainable Livelihoods 2015: Wetlands for our Future 2014: Wetlands and agriculture 2013: Wetlands and water management 2012: Wetlands and tourism 2011: Wetlands and forests 2010: Wetlands, biodiversity and climate change 2009: River basins and their management 2008: Healthy Wetlands, Healthy People 2007: Fish for tomorrow? 2006: Livelihoods at risk 2005: There's wealth in wetland diversity - don't lose it! 2004: From the mountains to the sea - Wetlands at work for us 2003: No wetlands - no water! 2002: Wetlands: Water, Life, and Culture 2001: Wetland world - A world to discover! 2000: Celebrating Our Wetlands of International Importance 1999: People and wetlands - The vital link 1998: Water for wetlands, wetlands for water 1997: The first World Wetlands Day