14th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties

Wuhan China

5 Nov - 13 Nov 2022

The 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP14) took place from 5 to 13 November 2022 in Wuhan (China) at the East Lake International Conference Center (ELICC) and Geneva (Switzerland) at the International Conference Centre Geneva (CICG).

The opening ceremony and the high-level segment were in a hybrid modality with participation of invited representatives both in Wuhan and Geneva linked via video. Negotiations and all other aspects of COP14 took place in-person in Geneva.


The Resolutions adopted by the Conference of the Contracting Parties can be accessed here.

The Report of the meeting can be accessed here.



1 Opening of the meeting
2 General statements and keynote addresses; Ramsar Awards ceremony
3 Adoption of the agenda
5 Election of the President and Vice-Presidents and remarks by the President
6 Appointment of the Credentials Committee and any other committees
9 Report of the Secretary General on the implementation of the Convention
13 Issues arising from Resolutions and Recommendations of previous meetings of the Conference of the Contracting Parties
16 Wetland City Accreditation: Presentation of certificates
17 Election of Contracting Parties to the Standing Committee for 2022-2025
18 Consideration of the draft resolutions and recommendations submitted by Contracting Parties and the Standing Committee
18.5 Draft list of Resolutions that are effectively defunct (No document: included as Annex 1 of the draft resolution in document COP14 Doc.18.6)
19 Report of the Credentials Committee
20 Report on the discussions, conclusions and recommendations in the preceding sessions
21 Adoption of Resolutions and Recommendations
22 Date and venue of the next Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties
23 Any other business
24 Adoption of the report of the 14th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties
25 Close of the meeting