64th meeting of the Standing Committee

Gland Switzerland

20 Jan - 24 Jan 2025

The 64th meeting of the Standing Committee will take place at Secretariat headquarters in Gland, Switzerland, from Monday 20 to Friday 24 January 2025.


Representatives of Contracting Parties and approved observers can register here.

Information for participants

For additional details, see here.


1 Opening statements
1.1 Chair of the Standing Committee (China)
1.2 Director General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
1.3 International Organization Partners (IOPs)
1.4 Secretary General of the Convention
Procedural matters
2 Adoption of the provisional agenda Show documents Hide documents
3 Adoption of the provisional working programme Show documents Hide documents
4 Admission of observers
Administrative and financial matters
5 Report of the Executive Team and Chair of the Standing Committee Show documents Hide documents
6 Report of the Secretary General Show documents Hide documents
7 Report of the Management Working Group
7.1 Report on the activities of the Management Working Group Show documents Hide documents
7.2 Report on the process for recruiting a new Secretary General Show documents Hide documents
8 Report of the Secretariat on the implementation of the Decisions of the Standing Committee Show documents Hide documents
9 Financial and budgetary matters [for consideration by the Subgroup on Finance]
9.1 Report on financial matters for 2024 Show documents Hide documents
9.2 Status of annual contributions Show documents Hide documents
9.3 Budget scenarios for 2026-2028 and draft resolution on financial and budgetary matters (* includes a draft resolution) Show documents Hide documents
9.4 Potential financial implications of draft resolutions
Strategic matters
10 Urgent challenges to the wise use of wetlands to receive enhanced attention: Update on wetlands inventories Show documents Hide documents
11 Report of the Strategic Plan Working Group * Show documents Hide documents
12 Report of the Working Group on Institutional Strengthening * Show documents Hide documents
13 Roles and responsibilities of the Standing Committee * Show documents Hide documents
14 Enhancing the Convention’s visibility and synergies with other multilateral environmental agreements and other international institutions * Show documents Hide documents
15 Communication, capacity building, education, participation and awareness (CEPA)
15.1 Report of the Chair of the CEPA Oversight Panel Show documents Hide documents
15.2 Draft resolution on CEPA * Show documents Hide documents
16 Report of the Youth Working Group Show documents Hide documents
17 Work plan of the Secretariat for 2025 Show documents Hide documents
Scientific matters
18 Report of the Chair of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel Show documents Hide documents
19 Draft resolution on future implementation of scientific and technical aspects of the Convention for 2026-2028 * Show documents Hide documents
20 Draft resolution on the establishment of the Waterbird Estimates Partnership (WEP) and the delivery of the 2027 edition of Waterbird Population Estimates (WPE2027) * Show documents Hide documents
21 Draft resolution on the application of Criteria 6 and 9 to new and existing Wetlands of International Importance * Show documents Hide documents
Implementation matters
22 Preparation of the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties
22.1 Report of the Subgroup on COP15 (no document)
22.2 The Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards [for discussion in closed session – document to members of the Subgroup on COP15 only]
22.3 Draft resolution on the Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards * Show documents Hide documents
23 Draft resolution on Ramsar Regional Initiatives 2025-2028 * Show documents Hide documents
24 Report of the Co-Chairs of the Independent Advisory Committee on Wetland City Accreditation Show documents Hide documents
25 Draft resolution on the Status of Sites on the List of Wetlands of International Importance * Show documents Hide documents
26 Report of the Working Group on RIS Updating * Show documents Hide documents
27 Report of the Secretariat on proposals on strengthening the process to include a Site on the List of Wetlands of International Importance Show documents Hide documents
28 Update of the Secretariat on the implementation of Resolution XIV.20 Show documents Hide documents
29 Draft resolutions submitted by Contracting Parties
29.1 Proposed draft resolution on strengthening action on culture and wetlands (Submitted by Uganda) Show documents Hide documents
29.2 Proposed draft resolution on restoration of degraded freshwater ecosystems to support ecological character biodiversity and ecosystem services [and the Freshwater Challenge] (Submitted by Gabon, co-sponsors to be invited) Show documents Hide documents
29.3 Proposed draft resolution on strengthening national actions for the conservation and restoration of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (Submitted by China) Show documents Hide documents
29.4 Proposed draft resolution on promoting incorporation of frontier technology and traditional ecological knowledge in wetland conservation, restoration, management, and wise use (Submitted by China, Burkina Faso, Gabon, Madagascar, and Panama) Show documents Hide documents
29.5 Proposed draft resolution on achieving the equitable and effective conservation of wetlands as protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) (Submitted by United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and Zimbabwe) Show documents Hide documents
29.6 Proposed draft resolution on improving the terms of reference for the Executive Team and the Management Working Group (Submitted by Sweden) Show documents Hide documents
29.7 Proposed draft resolution on Rights of Nature in Wetlands (Submitted by Sri Lanka) Show documents Hide documents
29.8 Proposed draft resolution on youth empowerment and integration: driving engagement in and the longevity of the Convention on Wetlands (Submitted by Australia) Show documents Hide documents
29.9 Proposed draft resolution on promoting sustainable lifestyles for the wise use of wetlands (Submitted by India) Show documents Hide documents
29.10 Proposed draft resolution on recognition of river dolphins as key species for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands in South America and Asia (Submitted by Colombia) Show documents Hide documents
29.11 Proposed draft resolution on education and participation as a basis for the management of urban and peri-urban wetlands (Submitted by Colombia) Show documents Hide documents
29.12 Proposed draft resolution on assessing wetland vulnerability (Submitted by the Republic of Korea) Show documents Hide documents
Concluding matters (no documents)
30 Dates and venue of the 65th and 66th meetings of the Standing Committee
31 Adoption of the report of the meeting
32 Any other business
33 Closing remarks